Look at that serious face! The week to follow these photos was a rough one for you and me. You had your first really bad cough followed by a stomach bug that you shared with me... We are troopers though and I'm sure you loved the time home with me as much as I did with you! We played together, folded laundry together, napped together, watched bubble guppies all day together :) You are a little shadow and want to be doing everything we are doing. If I'm cooking dinner, I give you a toy to play with, but you'd much rather play with the pans... If I'm eating cereal, you're all about what's in my bowl rather than what's on your tray. If I'm hanging up your clothes, you don't want to play with your walker, you'd rather play with a hanger. You are seriously sweet and cuddly which I LOVE and hope you stay that way... at least a little bit. You won't clap your hands yet (but you do do this tomahawk chop thing which *I think* is you trying!) or wave bye bye on a consistent basis... but kisses, you LOVE to share! You were a rockstar at your Drs appointment and flirted with your new Dr like a ham. I bet you think you got lucky because you didn't get shots! But we're going to have to go back for those because of your fever. I'm happy we're feeling better, but not looking forward to that.
Here's to another amazing month!
<3 love, mama