Maternity clothes: Sometimes. About half the time. It's usually a maternity top with reg jeans or a regular top with maternity jeans. I have no bump. I swear. But I can see that things are moving out of place like they did last time. The top of my belly sticks out further than the bottom just like last time early.
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: I can't get enough. Meaning, I am getting enough, but even if I slept for days it wouldn't feel like enough. I need a nap.
Best moment this week: It's been a rough week. We're on mandatory at office overtime and I haven't been able to spend time doing anything else but working, sleeping and failing my early 1 hr glucose test. Yes, it's really early to be taking this test, but because I'm heavier at my start than I was last time, and I'm trying for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) my doctor is being extra cautious on the things that could affect baby's size.
Movement: Very random. There isn't one thing I can do that will surely make me feel some movement. But I'm still feeling it at least once a day now.
Food cravings: No cravings to speak of. But....
Food aversions: I have plenty of aversions. Add garlic and mushrooms to the list. I will throw down on a bowl of raw veggies and ranch dressing. Please! But cooked... Gross. And then the house smells like you're cooking for days and days later.
Gender: Still TBD. I did take the Panorama testing (similar to the newly popular Harmony test) on Monday this week and results should be in within 10 business days.
Labor pains: Nope. I think I'm still sleeping on my stomach a little too much, but I'm trying to make a conscious effort not to do that. My body feels a little achy and I think that's from not being as active. I need to get some more time in stretching.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Feeling the new baby kick for REAL. Like the big, move your belly and make you jump kicks! I know... I'll regret that later. :)
Weekly Wisdom: Nest now, not later. I've had small periods of no nausea and bouts of energy. I'm using them up while I have them... Because I've noticed, they are following by a few awful days after that. Caleb's birthday is coming in less than a month now and I have SO MUCH to do before then!
Milestones:Welcome to 2nd trimester! That didn't take long. Baby is not only swallowing and making sucking motions now, but he/she has a functioning urinary tract and is peeing out some of that amniotic fluid now.