clothes: are starting to be too snug. I will not buy more. I remember this part about pregnancy from last time. Being tall and having larger breasts makes it even more hard to shop. Typical maternity shirts are already "too short." So I've done a lot of tanks this time with sweaters for work. But even now, I have to wear an undershirt too or fear my stretch pants/shorts top will show. Just a few more weeks...
Stretch marks: That one little mark that popped up before is sticking around. It hasn't gotten any worse or colored, but it's scary to look at. I don't want anymore!
Sleep: Hit or miss again. I've been waking up with awful back pain. Either from my hip to my back from laying on one side for too long, or my whole back for rolling over and sleeping on my back. I hurt.
moment this week: A surprise sprinkle! A friend of mine from the gym, Rachel, put together a surprise baby shower for me at another friend from the gyms house - Jenny. It was really great getting together with all the girls from the gym outside of the gym and sweaty clothes. She told me that we were going to get all dressed up and have lunch and get pedicures. On the way there, she said she needed to stop at Jenny's house to pick up something she left when she babysat for them a few weeks ago. When we got there, I was a little thrown off because she asked if I wanted to come in... But I totally didn't expect all the other ladies to be there. It was so fun and we got so many great gifts for baby girl from everyone. As much as I'm pre-programmed to think "no shower for 2nd babies" I can appreciate them now because it's not just a reason to give gifts, but celebrate the life of the baby that's about to be a part of everyone's lives in a few weeks. Everything was so beautiful, and I'm so thankful that they thought enough of me to throw me a sprinkle. <3 Also, Caleb's first baseball game! So exciting! We hardly ever talk about baseball in our house, but Cliff got some tickets for a Braves vs Yankees game and we decided to go. The game was at 1:30 (right in the middle of nap time- yuck) but Caleb was awesome! He was so intrigued by everything that was going on. "What's going to happen now? Who's batting? What's he doing?" We had a great time!
Movement: Starting to slow down A LOT. She still has her moments where she's VERY active; usually at night around 8-9:30pm. Maybe because by this time I'm settled into bed and not moving very much. I'm not sure. During the day, she practices more of her stretchy, rolling over inside type movements. Also, sometimes I feel like I can feel her clapping inside? Sounds weird, but I feel like maybe it's her uncrossing her legs/arms? I could be crazy.
cravings/aversions: I really started noticing a trend in this lately. Eggs, over medium. And butter. Silly right? haha I like to eat my eggs with toast, but I could live without the toast, but I need a vessel for my butter. And eggs I could eat
Gender: Girly Girl!
Gender: Girly Girl!
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Diaper barbell from my sprinkle! |
Belly Button in or out? In. but stretched ooooout to the max!
I miss: Being able to keep up. Not having to blow my nose 8 times a day. Not feeling like I'm heavy breathing in peoples ears after taking 10 steps.
I am looking forward to: Holding my little girl and loving on her! I've got most of the hospital bag packed including her coming home outfit. I'm just so excited for her to be here instead of in there anymore!