
35 weeks

How far along: 35 weeks

Maternity clothes: yes. Stretchy everything.

Stretch marks: I have lately noticed this one spot that I have a new stretch my on my tummy. It's still pretty low, and I didn't get ANY with Caleb, so I'm curious if this will grow and actually turn into something. I'm so close to the finish line... I really hope it doesn't!

Sleep: I sleep sooo deeply compared to last time. But I still wake up so super tired. The dreams are still REALLY intense. One night this week I woke myself up by yelling my sons name. I'm glad I didn't wake my husband... The dreams can seem so real - it's unfair.

Best moment this week: sooooo busy... Work is all I have been doing. I was slotted to close about 15-18 loans this month. YIKES! It looks like it will settle around 15 but September is looking just as busy. I'm really hoping I can close out August and September with a decent amount of loans closed so that my incentive will pad some of the decrease in pay I'll get when I'm on maternity leave. I really wanted to cancel because I'm so swamped with work, but Rachel and I tried to go to paint night this week. I was hoping to have something for baby girls room, but the instructor didn't show up. Pretty disappointing. boooo I've been wanting to do one of those paint night events for EVER. But I guess it will have to wait until after little miss is here. We also went to a birthday party for a girl from the gym which was fun. I love being out and social with everyone. But it's SO.DAMN.HOT. Everyone keeps saying, ohhh say good bye to summer. Ladies and gentlemen. I'm the MOST aware of when the end of summer is at this point because it is ONE WEEK before my due date. We have several weeks to go. lol. Summer is SO not over yet.

Movement: She's still got a lot going on in there. She still feels like she's head down and is doing a lot of stretching down there. I had to take Caleb with me to the chiropractor this week which was interesting. He calls him the bone doctor lol. I thought maybe he might want him to check his bones, but no way. Caleb was NOT into it. He gave me some great stretches to do to help keep baby girl in head down position and this week had some trouble with un-sticking my hip joints.
Food cravings/aversions: More of the same. I do loveee  some eggs eggs eggs.

Gender: Sweet princess <3

Labor pains: Oh the swelling. So, I've stopped de-swelling over night now. My feet by the end of the day feel like walking on burning water balloons. The burning is I guess from the swelling. My hands are also pretty swollen this time. It's different from last time because I don't remember much in my hands and it stretches up my arm almost to my elbow and up my calves all the way to my knees. I know, I know... put your feet up! Drink more water! Believe me. I'm doing all the things; I swear. But some are just not helping at this point. Going to the gym seems to help them stay at least a little less swollen, but it doesn't completely go away anymore. I seriously wonder when will be the last time I go to the gym. I typically go MWSat... But with work being SO BUSY I've had to skip so that I could make it to daycare MW to watch the kiddos at the gym and still get all my regular work done. Don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed the break from working out, but I feel it after not going for a few days. Working out has helped A LOT this time... Don't let my husband read that. lol
Belly Button in or out? In. It won't pop. I promise

What I miss: Time. As much as I wish I could hold this little lady, at the same time I wish time would slow down. I feel like I was just telling people we were pregnant... now, I'm kind of freaking out that I won't have everything I need and/or want to do for baby girl done... I'm running out of time!!

What I am looking forward to: A little girls room. We can't start much at this point, since we're dividing up Caleb's room, but I'm really anxious to start painting and organizing in there. I spent a couple of hours this week reorganizing Caleb's clothes into bags to sell, bags to donate and boxes to save. We have a decent amount of storage in our house, but we're running out with the way things are settled in the house. AKA... This is called nesting. lol. If there's something to be organized, I will find it.

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