Here it is; another first blog post. I've been trying to find the motivation and focus to start a blog for quite sometime. But I think I've finally gotten to the root of what I want to discuss and share (and think people might be interested in) and am ready to start this blog!
Before you commit to reading weekly updates from a random rambling girl, here's a little bit about me: I'm a Jersey girl at heart living undercover as a southern belle in GA. I'm a banker for one of the largest financial institutions in the US although a few years ago I went back to school for a masters in HR so I could find a better job and make more money (isn't that a joke?!). I graduated in May 2010 and I'm still searching for that opportunity. I'm recently married, have two dogs, and no children. Oh, and I'm rapidly approaching that 30 milestone birthday we all thought about when we were kids. Remember thinking, "What do you want to be when you're 30?" I'm finding myself somewhat short of where I thought I'd be.
Now that you know a little about me, what the heck is my blog going to be about? I've always thought myself to be a look for the silver lining, think positive kind of girl. But lately, I'm anything but. I've let a lot of petty things eat at me for so long it's actually changed the way I look at other aspects of my life... and I hate that. I have no reason to be so angry and upset all the time! I'm tired of thinking, "This just isn't fair... Is it?!" The desire to finally answer that question and lay these frustrations to rest have been my inspiration for this blog. To help me regain my sanity, my stability, and to grow back into the person I want to be. I've got big plans for myself and it's about time that I stop letting things stand in my way.
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