As you think, so shall you be. Proverbs 23:7
Every Monday, my branch huddles together for a weekly meeting. We take turns giving motivation for the week for the team. This week it's my turn and this is the quote I am going to give. There's really no secret recipe towards becoming a better sales person, and I seriously doubt a few words every Monday morning are going to inspire the team to produce larger numbers. It's a continual process.
Yes, this quote has been modernized. The version from the King James Bible is "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." Still the same meaning, but it rolls off the tongue a little easier, no? Confidence in yourself and your skills must come first. Just because others want you to succeed, or even believe you will succeed, doesn't make your task at hand any easier. Knowing your self worth and capabilities in your own heart and mind will set you on the path to where you want to go.
Have a great week!
Awesome verse, and way to provide inspiration!