Maternity clothes: Yes. All day, everyday.
Stretch marks: Nope. I'm not even going to count the ones on my hips because I had some there previously and who knows if they are just darkening because of my skin stretching. And while we're talking about skin... where the heck did my linea negra go? I swear I had one... now it is no where in sight!
Sleep: is still sucky. My last day of work was Tuesday this week and thank God, because I only slept about 4 hours on Tuesday night and maybe another 4 last night. Seriously, I think I've looked at every possible recipe and quote on Pinterest there is.
Movement: Yep. My big guy is still moving and a shaking in there. But he's definitely slowed down last night/this morning. He hasn't kicked me in the ribs yet today... thanks buddy! It feels like my bump is changing in shape a lot the last few days and it feels like my belly button has inverted a little if that's possible? How did I gain more room in the middle, I don't know. Sleep: is still sucky. My last day of work was Tuesday this week and thank God, because I only slept about 4 hours on Tuesday night and maybe another 4 last night. Seriously, I think I've looked at every possible recipe and quote on Pinterest there is.
Food cravings/adversions: Nada. My appetite has changed as well the past couple of weeks. I'm eating less; which is probably why my weight hasn't moved in 3 weeks. Not complaining... I've gained enough already and clearly so has baby.
Gender: He's not even out yet and I have to call him my big boy!!
Labor pains: Since Tuesday I've been cramping like nobodys business. At my last appointment I was 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Yay for some progress! The Dr. swept my membranes which was probably one of the most uncomfortable things I've felt in a long time... I won't even mention what the feeling reminded me of, but it felt like all the menstrual cramps you usually get with your period over a few days all together at the same time... And it has basically just continued since then but a little less in intensity. Combined with my overall existing achiness, I'm not exactly the happiest camper. Although, it's not like I have any place special to go since I'm out of work. Remember when I said I was pretty sure I was losing my mucus plug already? Now I'm even more sure. Of course you could have some spotting after having your membranes swept, but I'm having a little more than that and it's combined with a ton of gunk. Sorry if that's too graphic! But it is good and does mean I'm probably still dilating on my own and maybe will go into labor soon. Still, no solid contractions yet here. No matter what happens we are headed to the hospital tomorrow at 3pm.
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Wearing my wedding rings, not being swollen, not having to listen to every persons (including people who HAVEN'T had children) pregnancy advice. Unless someone solicits your opinion, why just give it? I'm going to have to remember that when this is all said and done. I know everyone's experience is unique and different and it's great to hear some stories when you need them... but random strangers... no thanks. I swear, the woman who did my mani/pedi this week was the absolute authority on being pregnant.
Best moment this week: Last day of work. How weird! Tidying things up on my desk and making sure everything is set for when I leave and eventually come back.
Weekly Wisdom: You are the the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint. You are the shining star I reached for in my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled. You are my child. Now with all things I am blessed.
Milestones: Oh, my little angel child <3 You are supposed to be approximately 7.25 lbs this week and around 20 inches long... but we know better, don't we. At 39 weeks, your lungs are completely developed and you're just continuing to practice in there. I'm 90% sure you're positioned exactly like this baby here because that is how my bump is shaped and the Dr actually grabbed your squishy tushy at the appointment on Tuesday. Sometimes I can even feel the bone on bone of your foot right on my rib. Don't you think you'll be more comfortable out here with us now?!
LOL at your nail girl! She was quite hilarious! ::eye roll:: Anyhow, I need to remember not to give unsolicited advice too. Pregnancy is one of those things where people just want to SHARE EVERYTHING! ;-) Love you and CANNOT WAIT!