
#16 Letters for good service

In my opinion, this was one of the most important items on my 30 before thirty list. I've been directly affected by the effects of positive and negative feedback clients and management provide and know that the positive comments do not come around often enough. So, each time I received exceptional service, I've made it a point to write a few words to the company about my appreciation for this. They weren't novels, but just a few words can really make a difference. My goal was to write 3 and I actually wrote a few more than that given that I had a ton of really great nurses during my stay at the hospital after Caleb was born.

My first letter was for a girl at the Starbucks location that was close to my previous job. No real reason got the letter, but she was a sweet girl, knew my name and struck up a casual conversation while still working and keeping busy. I also wrote a letter to Walmart about an employee who helped my husband and I locate several items. Again, no huge to-do, but she was a sweetheart and I really felt she was trying to help us decide what we needed not just "do her job." The 3rd letter was for the diner/French toast experience I had at about 7 months pregnant. See here. Ha. She was very accommodating and didn't make me feel like I was losing my marbles, although my husband sure did!

I really hope I'm able to continue noting the good service I receive and writing these letters even when it's not on my to do list because I appreciate when someone does it for me and good should be noticed more often.

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