
17 weeks

How far along: 17 weeks. I was in FL this weekend and didn't take a picture. Oops. Maybe this is sort of an every other week type of thing. So, here are a few of my furbabies already cuddling with their little sister or brother to be. You can't tell me that animals don't sense the differences in us. Lilly (the little one) was the first to pick up on it. But I'm pretty sure they both sense some changes that are coming.

Maternity clothes: Yes, I am. When I came back from FL on Tuesday one of my co-workers said to me "Oh, you're starting to look pregnant!" I wanted to be happy to hear that, but a part of me thought, did she just say I'm looking fat? I know, I know what she meant... But still. Just tell the pregnant lady she looks cute (even if you think she looks frumpy) and leave it at that.

Stretch marks: Nope.

Sleep: Still good. I had some weird cramping over the weekend, but I'm going to attribute it to the different bed and pillows I slept with. The pillows were really full and hard so it wasn't as comfortable to sleep with between my legs and I think that caused the achiness during the day, because it's gone away now.

Best moment this week: Quality time with my mom. Definitely. Oh, and I finally picked a crib! More on that to come.

Movement: Still here and there. Mostly in the mornings before I roll out of bed and at night while relaxing after dinner. Hasn't been much to catch me off guard just yet, I'm waiting to feel those solid BOOM "yea that was a kick" feeling.

Food cravings: Really not much. Back to drinking water which is nice.

Food aversions: A lot of the same. Raw meat and I'm smelling my fridge and it smells like raw onions and I'm thinking that's a trigger now too. It stinks. But my nose is REALLY sensitive.

Gender: I really CAN NOT wait to find out if little one is a boy or a girl. I've had 3 dreams so far that it's a little boy. One was just a delivery room covered in blue. Another was... pretty hilarious. Hubby and I at our anatomy scan and as soon as the tech put the wand on my belly a penis was on the screen. Not a baby penis, mind you, this is a pregnant lady's dream... it was an adult penis!! And I said "Oh, look it's a boy!" and Hubby says "Where do you see that?!" Really, these dreams are out of control.

Labor pains: Nope, but there's a hell of a lot of stretching going on.

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: My mom. <3 It was really awesome spending time with her and my family this weekend.

What I am looking forward to: Christmas and the holidays with an actual baby bump! Already have a Christmas shirt and bought an adorable Thanksgiving tee from my favorite Etsy shop :)

Weekly Wisdom: Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.

Milestones: This week baby is starting to really gain speed in the whole growth process - he or she is getting cuter by the day and packing on what we affectionately call baby fat. Just for giggles and the other pregnant mommas in my life here is an awesome link to a weekly blog that is both entertaining and informative. AlphaMom


  1. yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! I look forward to reading this and seeing your picture every week :) Makes me feel closer as if I was there

  2. Awww, Lily is sooo cute! And, I can't wait for you to find out the sex either! ;-) LOL at the penis dream! Love ya!
