
Is it a boy or a girl? A girl or a boy?

There are SO many old wives tales and ancient prediction methods you can use to try to guess the sex of your unborn child. I think the first question people ask is, "Do you know what you're having?" And I've always been one to question your maternal instinct to see if the mommy feels a certain way towards boy or girl. I've gone back and forth during my pregnancy; initially I thought boy, but for a few weeks I thought girl for sure. Now, I'm back to boy. It's funny how certain symptoms or lack there of can make you feel a certain way. Hubby is currently on the boy train too, but we REALLY and HONESTLY don't care either way. A healthy little one is all we ask for. So, here are some old wives tales for guessing!

1. Chinese prediction calendar: Girl.
2. Mayan prediction or Numerolgy: Girl.
3. Cravings: Boy. Cravings for sweet stuff usually mean you're having a girl. If you crave salty, it's a boy. (This could be hit or miss. I don't eat potato chips often, but I've wanted them. Same thing with pickles, and soup. Yet, I'm still eating ice cream, too.)
4. Morning sickness: Boy. The more morning sickness you have, the more likely your little one is a girl. I had extreme nausea but thankfully was only... um, productive on that twice.
5. A little girl might be the cause of these blackheads and crazy oily skin. Girls are rumored to "steal your beauty." With all the blackheads and oily build up I've been having (even today!), I'll say this is leaning towards Girl.
6. If you carry low, it's a boy; high, it's a girl. My bump is square, but the top of me was bigger before the bottom was - if that makes any sense at all? But I can feel baby way down low still. So, I guess I'm going to say Boy on this one because I can feel where baby is, the top stuff is probably just organs.
7. If you carry in front, it's a boy; if you're wide at the middle, it's a girl. I definitely got wider before my belly popped. But after spending the weekend with my mom, she says I still have curves so,... Boy
8. If Baby's heart beat is faster than 140 beats per minute (bpm)? It's a girl. Less than 130 bpm? It's a boy. First ultrasound 145, second ultrasound at NT scan167, listening on the dopler at 16 week appointment 160.  Girl.
9. Norwegian wives' tales say that boys kick to the right and girls kick to the left. I've felt baby on the right from the very beginning. Boy.
10. If your nails and hair start growing faster and stronger than before you were pregnant, that's a sign of a boy. If it's the same as before, it's a girl. Boy for this one too. My body hair is growing ridiculously fast and I have not broken a nail during this pregnancy yet (knock on wood!)

Ok so 6 to 4. A lot of these things seem so silly, but it's strange how some ring so true. I've got friends who are convinced it's a girl and others who have said boy all along... I guess we'll find out in 2 days!

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