Maternity clothes... are a gift for a chunky preggo lady like me.
Stretch marks... haven't arrived. I'm still using my regular lotion and hoping for the best. Doing good so far.
Sleep... sucked this week. Between my cousin passing, not feeling good, and all the traveling, I haven't been able to sleep through a solid night all week without waking up at lease 1-2 hours. I even took a nap in the car on Tuesday's ride home. I can't remember the last time I napped midday.
Best moment this week... This is a hard one. Again, it's been pretty rough. Maybe seeing all 5 of my moms and my dogs playing together. It's always funny to watch my two interact with other dogs because they definitely do have their own personalities; but they did well together. I should have taken more pictures.
Movement...! BabyBoy has moved up quite a lot and it doesn't look like in feeling around in my crotch anymore when I reach to feel him. He still gives me random kicks way down there, but for the most part, he is just below or right around my belly button.
Food cravings/aversions... don't thrill me. I ordered a chicken parm sandwich for dinner two nights in a row. That's a step!
Labor pains... Sunday night was a little strange. I had some awful gas pains/cramps. My belly was super swollen. But it was just temporary. My swollen feet returned back to normal after being home for 2 days but they are swollen back up again. I know it's really all related to the traveling, but it's not comfortable at all.
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss... This week? My schedule.
I am looking forward to... Nesting. I'm itching to clean out that guest room and get some baby stuff going on in there.
Weekly Wisdom: Love and pregnancy and riding on a camel cannot be hid. ~Arabic Proverb (sorry, this made me giggle)
Milestones: Baby is practicing breathing through his nose this week. Up until now, his nose has been plugged up with mucus and he was practicing swallowing full time. But now he's taking tiny breaths (of fluid of course) through is little button nose. He's also pinkening up this week to be his fleshy adorable self at birth.
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