Maternity clothes: Yep. I'll probably have to do a wardrobe refresher pretty soon. Flats are now a permanent part of my maternity wardrobe. My feet are swollen on and off and I have about 30% of the balance I used to have haaa.
Stretch marks: Still lucky.
Sleep: Better this week. I think my sleep issue last week was related to the warm weather. Thank goodness I won't be pregnant in the summer.
Best moment this week: I had my first sit down talk with my sons soon-to-be daycare/babysitter. What a tremendous weight taken off my shoulders. It felt so weird talking so much about out little man and how his days will be once he's really here. Strange, but so comforting knowing he'll be with another mommy who is going to care about him and won't be in a daycare with 6 other infants to a person.
Movement: Have you heard of the song "sexy and I know it" by LMFAO?? That wiggle wiggle part is for my baby. I feel these quick rapid movements a lot now. They aren't defined really but a lot of... Well, wiggles!
Food cravings: No new demands.
Food aversions: No new aversions.
Gender: Handsome like daddy.
Labor pains: There's the whole feet swelling thing. It comes and goes now. My legs are starting to cramp up a bit, so I've vowed to stretch more... but it doesn't seem to help. I've also been walking a LOT more. But that doesn't help either. Eh, what can I do?
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: I didn't think I'd have an urge for alcohol since I'm not a big drinker anyway, but I could really use a glass of wine and a night of relaxation!
What I am looking forward to: Superbowl Party in a few weeks!! And seeing my little angel on Saturday at the 3D ultrasound :) I made a deal with myself that if I passed the Glucose Tolerance Test, I can splurge and see little man. If we failed, then the extra money would have had to go to the GD meds, strips, etc. Thankfully, I passed this morning!! And made my appointment soon after :)
Weekly Wisdom: As a mother, my job is to take care of the possible and trust God with the impossible. Ruth Bell Graham
Milestones: Hello Third Trimester. There's a big reward at the end of this one!! :)
You look GREAT! I forgot to ask you how the u/s went! I can't wait to see!!!