

What was your most memorable vacation?

My mother is going to LOVE this post.

I have TONS of good memories of family vacations growing up. I don't think I would be able to pick just one, but definitely our trips to Walt Disney World stand out the most to me. Probably because we went there at least once a year every year... until I was too cool to go with my parents as a teenager. And again when they came to visit when I was working there in college. And pretty soon, we'll be going with my own little man. I know he won't remember a thing about this trip, but I'm so excited to start the tradition for him, the pictures and the memories.

November 2008
June 2007
Daisypath Vacation tickers


mellow yellow

Post pictures of something yellow. My favorite color and my favorite guy :)


What's in your purse?

What's in your purse?
First of all, it's my bag. Not my purse, and definitely not my pocketbook. I can definitely understand why some women carry around designer diaper bags now because I've had to retire my real bags since C was born. At work, the only bag I'm sporting these days is my Medela Pump In-Style Shoulder Tote. Fancy isn't it?!
On the right side, there is a little cooler tote that carries milk and a freezer pack for after you've pumped. I usually just carry this separately so I can keep my wallet, checkbook and whatever misc. bills I might need to reference that day.
There are two side compartments and I took that stuff out so you could see my "essentials." Keys, gum and no less than 3 lip gloss flavors at any given time. I have two of the VS Candy flavor right now. Apparently that's my current preference.


when I grow up, i want to marry...

Who was your childhood celebrity crush?

Please refer back to Day 6. I was a little obsessed with NKOTB and 90210 and let's not forget Melrose Place.


you're my favorite part of the day

What is your favorite part of the day and why?

Between the hours of 5 and 7. Because I pick up little C at around 450ish and then we have fun time just us together. Sometimes we cook dinner, sometimes we play on the mat, sometimes we play with the puppies... and sometimes we have photo shoots. Wouldn't this be your favorite part of the day?!


WTF omg for realz!?

What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?

When someone takes the bathroom stall right next to you. If there are 3 stalls take 1 or 3, don't go in the middle unless 1 and 3 are already taken. Or if there are 5 (like there are at my job), don't take 2 or 4 when I'm in 3. WTF? There are 4 other stalls and 2 are no where near me!!!

People who drive in the turn only line... only to have to get over in front of me when the lane turns ends. Really? Are you going to pretend you're from out of town and had no idea that lane was a turn only? I'm the biotch who will drive up the car in front of me's butt in cases like this because no you can not get in front of me thankyouverymuch!

When you send Save-the-Dates and then invitations with an RSVP date and sometimes even a little envelope with a stamp so people can return their replies nice and easy and they don't reply! Please don't make me hunt you down for that little peice of paper or for the common courtesy to know you are coming to share in our joy or not! Ugh! I remember how annoying it was with my wedding, and will never not reply to another party ever again but it surprises me how many people "forget" to respond or "lose their invitation" or much better, respond midnight the night before. Really?


does this blog make my butt look big?

What are your thoughts on body image in the media?

Anyone who says body image is portrayed accurately in the media is delusional. The first thing I thought of when reading today's question was of a billboard I saw in Paris when I went with a group during high school. It was a woman, completely nude and skinny as all heck. You couldn't see any of her parts really, but the ad was for jeans. How does a naked woman sell jeans that she's not even wearing? No one really paid attention to the ad that was about 3 stories high and in the middle of a busy train station... Maybe things are a little more liberal in France? But the group of us as students gawked at it!

The pictures and images we see are not the only thing contributing and promoting this warped sense of perfection. Many stores have changed the sizing of their clothing through out the years and they aren't even all standard. Ever notice that? When you go into one store and fit into a size 8 but can't squeeze your butt into a 12 at another. If we really believed every size was beautiful, there would be guidelines to show us what these sizes should look like and would be standard across the board because it wouldn't matter what number we fit in. And just to revisit that ad for a second... What if that ad were for breastfeeding advocacy? Would more people have been gawking at this ad? Maybe. Or maybe it would inspire more women and men to be more accepting of this perfectly natural part of raising a child.

I think the way we portray beauty in the media is skewed greatly and I'm not sure there's anything we can do about it at this point besides teaching our children that we are all unique and different and still just as beautiful. There is no one perfect body type or size or weight. If you're happy with yourself, that's all that should matter.


best or worst

Write about the best date or worst date you've ever had.

I honestly have no idea. Is it sad that my generation has lost the whole term of "dating?" Or maybe it's just me. I'll be interested to see what the other April moms say for this one.


someone or something you care about

Write about someone or something you care about.

So I'm trying REALLY hard to catch up in this challenge. I know the date stamp on here says the 19th... but it's actually the 22nd today. I swear by Friday I will be caught up. ;)

My boy not feeling well this weekend :(

OK. So, I'm going to write about someone AND something I care about all at once. My buddy boy who's growing up all to fast and being a parent. Being a mommy is a non-stop learning process. And once you think you've got something down, another bump in the road comes up and you have to figure out if you're going to swerve, hop over it, or ride on through. What I've come to realize is that what my mommy said is true "mommy gut trumps all" and that no two children are the same. A lot of times, I have to stop myself  from forcing my opinion on my other friends who are parents because what might have worked for C may be just the opposite for them. We can beg our babes to sleep through the night and they just may not. The doctor may advise you to let him/her to cry it out and not everyone is comfortable with that (this mom right here!). Some babes transition to the crib really easy and others would rather sleep in your bed until they are, say... 25! Every parent/child combo is different. But what you know and feel to be right as the parent is what you should trust. Definitely arm yourself with research and knowledge, but do what you have to do for your baby!

Here's a nice fat example for you. My baby boy, Caleb, had his 4 month check up a few weeks ago. Nothing is really *wrong* with KC at the moment, but we were advised to start him on Poly-Vi-Sol with Iron supplements. The reason they advised me to switch from his D-Vi-Sol supplements to the new one after his 4 month check because he is exclusively breastfed. In 2010, AAP decided that this would help to prevent children from developing anemia later in life. The problem is that Iron is a very dangerous supplement to mess with; especially in infants. Although, I didn't agree with their suggestion (because I was additionally told that breast milk had no Iron whatsoever), when I went to the store to get another bottle of the D-Vi-Sol, they were sold out, so I picked up with Poly-Vi-Sol with Iron, as suggested,  instead. A few days later C is showing lots of signs of discomfort; excessive crying, unable to nap, lack of bowel movements. Looking back, he was even having issues nursing, too. I resorted to walking around my neighborhood with my nursing cover to get him to eat that morning. I didn't immediately respond to all of this because he's been known to have an "off-day." What did clue me in to the issue with his supplement is the massive, stinky poop he produced on Sunday night! It reeked of rusty pennies and spilled out of his diaper up his shirt and into his hair. Gross. I washed him all off and the boy napped for 2.5 hours after that. It was like he couldn't relax with that junk in his system. It took a few days for him to return to normal and I'm thankful it wasn't more than just the few days of discomfort.

Happy baby has returned this morning
Now mama bear is taking over in me and I've been trying to get to the bottom of all of this. After following a portion of their advice, I've been on and off the phone with our pediatricians office with multiple nurses. Long story short, the office abides by the AAP to the freaking letter. They will not admit that the blanketed statement of "breastfed babies need the additional Iron after 4 months" may not be true for every child. The AAP also says that children should be exclusively breastfed for 6 months, too, but you know what? Not everyone can do that! In fact, many people still choose not to. So, the advice of this doctor was wrong yet again because she told me I should be supplementing formula at this point, to. What a wack-a-doodle!

Now, just a little ACTUAL information in case you're wondering. There is, in fact, iron in breast milk. It is, however, not a substantial amount. This is okay for babies under 6 months because unless the babe was premature or under weight (generally over 7.3lbs at birth) they will have enough iron stores in their body from the 3rd trimester in the womb to last for 7 months into their life if not longer. Additionally, the iron in breast milk is also more easily absorbed by the baby because of the components of whey and casein protein which make breast milk so easily digestible. Around the time that these iron stores begin to be used up, this household (and likely most infants at that tiem) will have started on solid foods which will make up for the iron he would have missed.
Moral of the story... if your mommy gut is telling you, "hey, this doctor is sounding cray cray" don't ignore it! They may have a point, but if something is giving you pause, your best bet is to look into it BEFORE taking action or just following their advice. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.


embarrassing attire

Post a picture of the most embarrassing article of clothing you own.
my favorite capris in all their glory around my 8 month preggo belly
I love these capri's and I'm sad to say... I'm going to retire them today because it is the most embarrassing article of clothing I own. I bought these almost 10 years ago but I'm not exactly sure what year; sometime during college. I liked that I could pair them with a tank and that the band was thick and didn't dig into my belly. The length was pretty good and they didn't have elastic on the bottom making me have to pick them up every 3 minutes. I wore them all the time, kinda retired them for a while, and then broke them back out when I was pregnant. Well, I wore the crap out of them with my oversized bump and now they have a gigantic whole in the butt, the elastic is coming through the top band and there is absolutely no fit left to them... but they were my favorite. Honestly, it's so hard to say good bye. I wish I could buy another pair exactly the same. Yes, they are embarrassing to be seen in now... but that doesn't make them any less comfortable. Never-the-less... it's time to move on.


facts of life

Post 7 random facts about yourself.

1. I love going to the dentist.

2. Caffeine has no effect on me. I could drink an extra large cup right before bed and go right to sleep without a problem.

3. My second child's name has already been picked; boy or girl. For someone who insisted I was only having one child, this is hilarious to me!

4. My favorite color is yellow.

5. My favorite and least favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

6. I have no idea how to do laundry properly. I will wash everything all together on cool/warm with fabric softener. Occasionally, I'll wash towels/sheets separately on hot... but most often, it all goes together.

7. Even though I went to college and even have my masters, I think additional schooling past HS is pointless unless you have a job in your field already or if you know exactly what you want to do without any hesitation at all.


never have I ever

What's one thing you've never done that most people have?

I have never seen The Hangover. Not the first, or the second. Yes, I can identify some movie quotes because everyone LOVES the movie and has seen it a few hundred times. But not me. I guess one day I'll sit down and watch it and see what all the hype is about.


good deeds

What was the last good deed you did for someone/someone did for you?

This topic kind of threw me off... And that's pretty terrible huh? How awful is it that I can't think of a good deed that I've either done, or had done for me recently. I think the reason why I was so taken aback was because I was looking for something like volunteering your time, chasing down a purse snatcher, giving money to the homeless. But I think a lot of little things can count as good deeds, too. Routinely in the morning, I hold the elevator for at least one other person. While I never give money to homeless people on the corner (probably because I doubt they use it for food and more likely for alcohol), I *always* give money to firefighters or police officers with their boots when they collect at intersections. Even if I have to pass through the intersection twice - at least I know that money goes to something good. Those are good deeds right? I bought and donated school supplies to a drive in our office. I mean, it's something little... but every little bit helps right? I do wish I had more time to devote to actually doing good deeds on a regular basis.

A good deed that's been done for me? I have to say I'm VERY thankful for the daycare/sitter set-up I have for Caleb. As much as an adjustment it has been to have to return to work, to have to leave my boy with someone else, I'm glad he's with someone I already know and trust rather than a group of people at daycare with many other babies. He's also around other children (3 months and almost 3 years) but not to the point of having to be nervous that he's going to catch a bunch of germs. She's been so patient and kind with all of the "let's try this" and "what if we did that" to get him used to different bottles and figuring out amounts for his feedings and his crazy no napping to finally a normal napping schedule. She's doing a great deed for us because it not only gives me comfort knowing he's being taken care of, but she isn't charging us an arm and a leg for that comfort. And that's a HUGE good deed to me.


14: make your mark.

Do you have any birthmarks? Tattoos? Piercings? Scars?

No. Yes, yes, and yes.

I don't have any birthmarks but I certainly have my fair share of freckles and skin tags, especially after pregnancy. Tattoos - just one. Piercings - my ears, tragus, and my navel. Tragus sounds scary right? It's just that little thing in the middle of your ear. Scars - a 6 inch stripe across my lower belly <3

your handsome face: month 4

Four months already? This month was a hard one... While you're learning seemingly something new every day, you seem to have bouts of sadness and crying more often, too. I love to see your smiling face as you are starting to recognize me when you see me, but sometimes, you just will not have a good day. No matter what your mood, you always seem to have a way of reminding me that life is so good especially when you're near.
I love you always,


Four months

Being a baby is hard work! Just when I think you're settling into a routine, we shake things up on you. You're still adjusting to being with Natalie all day long, taking a bottle, sleeping in a crib, etc. Meanwhile, your mind is working overtime learning how to pass toys between both hands, rolling over from front to back, using your little voice to make high pitched noises and even giggling sometimes. I'm getting so excited with every new thing that you learn and can't wait until you start forming words with all that babble you've been doing, or being able to identify the objects you pick up, or actually reaching for something because you know what it is and want it! Some thing's I am so excited to teach you and have been excited for those things for a while... Sleeping through the night was not one of the things I anticipated having to teach you or help you to do better. I almost feel like I've done a disservice to you by not anticipating this trouble that you're having, but I promise. Your momma is learning, too, and together we will make you a happy sleeper!

Sorry your pictures aren't fabulous this month... You were in a very grumpy mood. But I love those little puckered lips anyway!

Love you always,
mommy <3

13: to be or not to be

Would you rather be rich or healthy?

Rich. Because if I were to get sick, I could just buy a cure... like Michael Jordan. People who are rich don't get sick and die. And even if I did happen to get sick, so sick that I would die... while that would suck, I could pass on my wealth to my family.

I know I say that now, but as I look at my son, I know there is so much to look forward to and so much I could miss out on if I did get sick and pass... or even just to sick to enjoy those things. It's a hard decision... but I still think rich is the way to go.


12: worst injury ever

Write about the worst injury you've ever had.

I have never broken a bone - except for my second toe on the left foot which is now crooked, but who really counts a toe? The only thing that I injured that could have come close is tearing the ligament in my right ankle when I was about 12 years old. My mother will probably remember this. I was outside with my sister building a snow man and I pulled the sleigh filled with snow on top of myself or slipped or a combination of the two... I wish it was some dramatic story like, "they were throwing me up to the top of the cheerleading pyramid and I slipped and tore my ligament but we still won first place!" But no... It was in the "backyard." In the cold snow. And my mother didn't even believe me when I yelled up to her to tell her I couldn't walk back into the house. My dad had to carry me over his shoulder to the car and from the car into the hospital. I didn't even get a cool cast as they only use an air cast on that type of injury. I was told that it was more painful than breaking a bone and to this day I still can't stretch my foot out as far as the other one. I have to say it was pretty cool to have to walk around school with crutches though. :)


what an accomplishment.

Write about one of your biggest accomplishments in life.

Well, hey. I'm all caught up! That's a friggen accomplishment in my book. No, but seriously, as I sit here at type this from my phone, I feel accomplished. Most recently, breastfeeding my son has made me feel a sense of accomplishment that truly makes me more confidant in myself as a parent.

I am a firm believer that your support system and conviction in yourself will have a direct effect on your success with breastfeeding. Not that there is anything wrong with formula feeding or even supplementing a half and half style... Breastfeeding is hard and it's not for everyone! For me, I gave birth via c-section and think that it made starting to breastfeed that much harder. I had a hungry baby in my arms but a body that I don't think knew it had birthed a baby and hadn't started producing milk, sore nipples from poor latch/improper positioning multiplied by the fact that I couldn't sit up or move without feeling my incision site... Yea... There are a lot of hurdles to overcome before you can get to the point of exclusively breastfeeding. But I knew before I have birth to KC, I wanted to breastfeed him for at least 6 months to a year. Four months later, we're still overcoming new hurdles with nipple confusion, Drs who don't support my decision to EBF, and figuring out exactly how much you need in your bottles each day while I'm away at work. Pumping is a chore; there's no doubt about that. But, for you, I'm doing it and I feel awesome about that! I hope a year from now, I can look at this post and maybe even still be breastfeeding you. There are proven benefits to breastfeeding and even if it kills my breasts right now, even if you start biting me in a few months (oh, please don't do that), I'm still going to work at this and find a solution. We've already made it through the first 4 months, (wow, time flies!) and that is quite an accomplishment for the both of us. :)


inspired by

Write about someone who inspires you.


OK. I know you're thinking... Wow, this really has become an "all about her baby" blog. The kid can't even say a word yet, and he's inspiring!? Well... yes, he inspires me. He has truly changed me and the world I live in. Through his eyes, I'm seeing the world all over again for the first time. He inspires me to be a more patient and loving mother and person. He inspires me to rejoice in small accomplishments and to live for all the small things that I used to take for granted. He inspires me to want to take better care of the world because it's going to be his one day and man, we've really messed it up. And just when I think I'm ready to throw in the towel, he inspires me to keep going.