If you could spend 15 minutes with any celebrity, who would it be and why?

I'm not really crazy about any celebrities. I don't really follow the gossip of who's dating who, or marrying who, or adopting who from where. I guess if I had to choose, I would say Jordan Knight because that was probably the last celebrity I was really obsessed with when I was a child. FYI: He's super cool because we share the same birthday. Yes, my mom did indulge my childhood heart-throb with a NKOTB phone, sheets, posters, and I even remember playing cards... or maybe that was 90210? Anyone who knows me has probably heard about my story about my almost, maybe, coulda shoulda been brush with fame. I think it was my 8th or 10th bday party at Farrell's Ice Cream store. Jordan just so happened to be gracing the mall with his presense (because celebrities do that right?) and on our birthday no less! I remember rushing outside the ice cream place to go see, but couldn't catch a glimpse... or maybe my parents added that he was there to make my day a little special? Who knows... could have been my 15 minutes right there! Anyway. I think he might find that story funny. Or maybe he could attest to the fact that he was actually there that day. There are no questions I'd want to ask him. I could care less if the media says he's gay now. But if I had to choose, Jordan, it would be you. :)
Oh the memories!!! lol