Duh. Who couldn't think of just one thing our world could do without. There are a ton of things we could use ridding of; texting while driving, pollution, racism, hatred, money, poverty, politics, jealous, etc. etc. etc.
This girl. It took me a little while (okay, an extra day) to figure out what I would get rid of. And today, as I was rocking C while in the bathtub (a combination of measures to calm him down today...), I thought I would like to get rid of uncertainty. Then, I wouldn't have to wonder what is ailing my child? Is he getting enough to eat? Why is he waking up so frequently at night? Why is he crying this time? I would never be uncertain; I would just know.
Think about it. You wouldn't wonder if you finally met "the one." If someone was trying to rip you off. You would just know. Is this career path the right one for me? Think about how many positive and forward moving people you would have in the career world of they just knew what was the right path for them. Of course, you'd still have the freedom to choose. But you'd know what you were meant to do, where you were meant to be, and who you were meant to be.
Maybe I'm lacking some gut instinct, and maybe I just want to take the easy way out, but basically, I would just like to know... all the answers. To not be unsure about anything. And mostly right now, I'd like to know when I'll be able to sleep through the night again. :)
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