
Motivation and a check off my list!

A little late this morning... hell, for the past few weeks. I've been really tired and unmotivated, BUT I'm back to blogging and really want to get some items checked off my list in the next few months. So here's my motivation for the week.

Everything happens for a reason. I'm not saying don't continue to follow your dreams, but be flexible enough to realize when something better is being put on your path. Our lives have a funny way of shaping out exactly how we wanted them to be, but maybe with a different path or opportunity...

And with that I'm crossing #18 off my list. No, I didn't get a job in HR, but I did get a new job and hopefully a better working environment. I start my new job on September 1st and I'm absolutely thrilled. It's very close to what I'm doing now except instead of face to face banking is over the phone. I did several interviews with HR and a few networking lunches etc. But nothing panned out. When this job came up I just grabbed it. (probably as soon as it was posted which is what the recruiter said!) I feel like some things just happen for a reason and maybe I'm not finished with the financial/banking industry just yet. Well, wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for your new job! I am sure that you will be so much more relaxed and happier!
