Everything happens for a reason. I'm not saying don't continue to follow your dreams, but be flexible enough to realize when something better is being put on your path. Our lives have a funny way of shaping out exactly how we wanted them to be, but maybe with a different path or opportunity...
And with that I'm crossing #18 off my list. No, I didn't get a job in HR, but I did get a new job and hopefully a better working environment. I start my new job on September 1st and I'm absolutely thrilled. It's very close to what I'm doing now except instead of face to face banking is over the phone. I did several interviews with HR and a few networking lunches etc. But nothing panned out. When this job came up I just grabbed it. (probably as soon as it was posted which is what the recruiter said!) I feel like some things just happen for a reason and maybe I'm not finished with the financial/banking industry just yet. Well, wish me luck!
So happy for your new job! I am sure that you will be so much more relaxed and happier!