Maternity clothes: All day, every day.
Stretch marks: Have arrived. I have a few on my right hip so far :( Still trying to keep them relatively at bay with the lotion... but I guess it's inevitable.
Sleep: On and off. I'm feeling pretty sore and moany groany these days. If I have to roll over, I have to sit all the way up and rearrange my pillows again to get comfortable. My hips pop all the time and my back is definitely feeling the added pressure of carrying this tummy. I stayed home from work on Monday because of the back pain. I'm wondering if the little guy may be turned inside now and pressing his noggin into my back instead of out my tummy like he usually is...
Best moment this week: We toured the hospital where little man will be born on Saturday last weekend. Our hospital delivers the most babies of all the hospitals in the US... That's a lot of babies. The women's center was just beautiful. I did get a little weepy eyed thinking - "Gee, the next time I'm here, I'll be giving birth to my child." I'm just hoping we get some really nice nurses that will take care of us well while we're there.
Movement: Caleb may already know how to walk when he comes out. I swear he practices already in there. Not just kicks but it feels like he's actually walking. Weird! The rough punches and kicks are starting to be combined with smooth stretches that I can feel on the outside. I'll be excited when I can put my hand down on my belly and say "Oh! That's a foot!"
Food cravings: I had a craving this week! I sent hubby to the store for a boston creme donut. Usually I can find something else around the house that will satisfy my sweet tooth, but I really just wanted that pudding center and some chocolate mmm... So good. It was a pretty star shaped one, too. :)
Food aversions: Same.
Gender: Mommys little man.
Labor pains: Indigestion and back pain. I don't really have heart burn, but I feel like the food won't go down all the way... if that makes any sense. Like it just sits there in my throat. Tums to the rescue for that one. It works sometimes. As far as the back pain, I've taken several bathes and tried a bunch of stretching exercises I found in one of the pregnancy books we have. Nothing has helped it completely yet... but I'm hopefully it won't feel like this for the next 10 weeks.
Belly Button in or out? In. Hubby had a dream that my belly button popped out... Probably because I told him I'm betting it won't. (For the record, I'm still betting it won't.)
What I am looking forward to: Smelling my baby. That's super weird I know. But I can't wait to just hold him and study his little face and get to know his newborn baby smell.
Weekly Wisdom:
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” Bgafwan Shree
Milestones: You sure are running out of room in there little guy. The books and Internet Gods say you're about 16-17 inches long and will slow down growing lengthwise at this point and mostly just pick up the poundage. You're absorbing a ton of calcium now as your bones are hardening and we on the outside are now desperately trying to guess if that's your arm or foot sliding across my belly or if I'm rubbing your head or your hiney. <3
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