Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Sucky. I'm averaging about 6 hours a night when I usually go to sleep at around 9:30/10 and wake up at 7. So, I guess it could be worse... I just hate waking up in the middle of the night with my mind racing and not being able to fall back asleep.
Best moment this week: Definitely my baby shower and seeing all of my family and friends back home. I'm a grown up... and that's a little scary. There's another little person coming into this world and I've got to be in charge. It's just surreal to think about how far we've come. Little man, you are SO loved and I'm sure you can feel it in there! I'm going to include some pictures from the shower in another post in a few days.
Food cravings: The french toast I had at my shower at home this week. YUMMM! All of the food was so good, but of course, I made a bee-line right for the french toast.
Food aversions: Not much.
Labor pains: Just a lot of achiness. My hips hurt if I lay on one side for too long. My back aches. I feel like the indigestion is coming back. Last night I had heart burn for about 2 hours solid. Awful. Oh, and I can't breathe. My nose is stuffy, and runny and I can't get a full breath in. The power was out in our building and I had to walk up 6 flights of stairs to check out the situation, and by the time I got up there... you'd think I ran 10 miles I was so out of breath.
Belly Button in or out? In. All bets point to NO OUTTIE!
What I miss: Cracking my back. It's just not possible. I need a good stretch.
What I am looking forward to: Another shower of love for Caleb this weekend <3
Weekly Wisdom: A baby is born with the need to be love and never outgrows it.
Milestones: I probably should have stuck with one website to go by my weekly updates because every one is different at this point. This picture is from I have the corresponding app on my phone and make my updates each week. They say Caleb is 3.75lbs and 16.5 inches approximately at this point. He's packing on the ounces steadily over the next few weeks and Mama sure feels it. He has gained roughly half the weight he will be when he is delivered. He's starting to shed his languo or the cheesy coating that has been protecting his skin from getting all wrinkly while he's still on the inside. Pretty soon, his skin and hair will be smooth.
Dear Baby,
You should see your nursery! Your daddy did such a great job painting this weekend... your mommy is VERY happy. We brought home TONS and TONS and TONS of clothes that your Babcia and Auntie bought for you! You will be the best dressed child in town for sure. I can't wait to show you all of the wonderful things that are here waiting for you in the world. If the activity you're showing me while you're inside is anything like you'll be on the outside, I have a feeling you're going to want to explore everything immediately and we can't wait to rediscover it all with you <3
Love you so much,
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