Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks: The few I saw last week seem to have vanished... I'm ok with that!
Sleep: Sucks in the 3rd trimester.
Best moment this week: Happy Valentine's Day to Mommy! <3 I got to hear my favorite sound in the world again today; Caleb's big and strong heartbeat! Coming in at 133 this week. And awesome news... Dr. says his head is down now! Don't worry I'm still pushing for that final ultrasound just to make sure.
Movement: All day. Every day.<3
Food cravings: holy craving this week. Went to dinner at the diner because I wanted breakfast. Well, the southern diner is not the same as the northern diner. No breakfast 24/7!! I cried actual tears asking our waitress if she would make breakfast for me... So embarrassing. But she was sweet and they did make me French toast. I've already written a thank you letter telling telling the diner how awesome she was. :)
Food aversions: Same.
Gender: Handsome little heartbreaker <3
Labor pains: No actual pains to report this week... thank goodness. But... Let the lactating begin. I haven't leaked so badly that someone else notices, but randomly my boobs will feel really heavy and sensitive and out of curiosity I looked... Sure enough there's some liquid coming out... I'm going to take it as a good sign for when Little C is here and breastfeeding. :)
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: when tee shirts weren't belly shirts.
Weekly Wisdom: There are no seven wonders in the eyes of a child... there are seven million! Walt Streightiff
Milestones: Yesterday was my last 4 week appointment. We're now in the every 2 week appointment phase. HOLY SMOKES time is flying! This week the Internet Gods can't decide if you weigh 3 or 3.5 lbs. You are about the size of pineapple... which makes me cringe because I recall the scene in Little Nicky with Hitler and the pineapple and I don't think I like the fruit associations anymore.
i've been bad at replying but this is my favorite weekly read :)