
14 weeks

How far along: 14 weeks

Maternity clothes: Part time. Pro tip - I'm not wearing them in the photo. Maybe another few weeks and it'll be full time. I need to get some more shirts and capri's.

Stretch marks: no

Sleep: I love sleep. So much.Ah... sleep.

Best moment this week: Finding out what this little bean is!! TBA here soon.

Movement: Sadly, I haven't felt anything this past week. Nothing I can concretely say is baby for sure. So, now I'm counting down the days until my next ultrasound.

Food cravings: Oh! I had my first craving this week! Raw snap peas and carrots. Raw veggies really. With ranch dressing. I had them for lunch yesterday too... with mushrooms! Apparently just cooked mushrooms are on the no fly list.

Food aversions: Still present. I don't know which pregnancy symptom I dislike more... morning sickness or super sniffing sinus. (which is totally unfair because I've had the worst boogers and stuffyness since about 7 weeks as well)

Gender: I know something you don't know!

Labor pains:None

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Planning my meals ahead of time. I can make lunch, and almost guarantee it won't be what I want by the time lunch comes around. I rarely have dinner because I'm too tired by 630 when I get home to eat.

What I am looking forward to: Having an actual bump. I know it's coming. And faster than I think, but I'm tired of being frumpy. I want to look preggo... not just fat. All in good time I guess.

Weekly Wisdom: It is totally acceptable to ban certain foods from your office and home. Last weekend my husband cooked his sausage and chicken crockpot feast outside and I have banned all onion eating in my office. Sorrynotsorry.

Milestones: Look it's the first bump picture! That's a milestone. No real bump yet. But I was super fluffy already. Baby has started to make faces in the womb like grimaces, squinting and frowning. He/she may be sucking his/her thumb, too.

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