clothes: I'm actually shocked how much longer I'm working through my actual wardrobe. Mom got me some new maternity shorts the week which were MUCH needed since the weather has been going back and forth between mild and so-freaking-hot-you-can't-breathe.
Weight: +7.5 lbs
Weight: +7.5 lbs
Stretch marks: negative
Sleep: so tired. Always.
moment this week: omgoshhhh Caleb's party was aaaaawesome! I love planning parties :) ALSO, I picked out (can't say bought bc mom swiped it) a first outfit for little miss. I've sort of been delaying buying anything... I'm not sure why... Maybe because we can't really start on her room or I have no where to put it... But now I feel like I must buy ALL the girl clothes. lol
Movement: Random. This chickie didn't want to show us anything at the ultrasound this week, but she was for sure wiggling in there.
Food cravings: nada oh wait... iced dunkin donus coffee. I grab one at least 3 times a week. I guess that's a craving? I never really got any with Caleb either. A craving that says YOU MUST HAVE THIS NOW. Is that actually real?
aversions: stop it.
Gender: super girl!
pains: too soon.
Belly Button in or out? Always in.
I miss: Fitting into my clothes! I mean, can I look pregnant yet? I just look like I had a few extra cheeseburgers still...
I am looking forward to: This little girls room. Her relationship with her brother. Lots of pink!
Milestones: You're starting to develop and strengthen your bones this week. Instead of cartilage that was there, her bones are hardening and getting ready to REALLY start kicking and punching at mommy ;)
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