
15 mos

[life with a toddler] I love this picture <3

Reasons my kid is crying... he can't find bubble guppy.
Happy 15 months to my all too awesome little boy who is growing all too fast! I used to watch your little eyes and hands try to figure out what was going on around you. I wondered what was going on in that little head... But now, you're starting to tell us and show us exactly what you're seeing and feeling. Now that we have you, I'll never miss out on seeing a bird or a ball while we're out together. You spot them everywhere. You remind me what it is to appreciate the little things that are happening all around us. I love you so much little man! <3


Caleb's First Birthday Party (cute as a button)

I absolutely cannot believe my itty bitty baby is turning one.  Before his party, while I was rocking and nursing him for his nap, I had myself a little moment realizing that all those parents that want to give you the advise to slow down and appreciate every moment, are so right. I feel like I have so many moments from this first year forever etched into my heart but it did go by so terribly fast.

We actually found this banner at Target and my mom helped me to coordinate it with everything by sewing some buttons that we had left over onto it. (I still have a few hundred buttons left over. I got them from Joanne's on sale.)
I LOVED his wreath for the front door. I kept it up for quite a while after his birthday party. I used regular twine to wrap it all first and then used fishing wire to string the buttons on. His invitations I put together on photoshop.
My husband helped make the button flowers. We used floral wire and an electric drill. Once I threaded the buttons through, he drilled the wire and held onto the "flower" part so they would stay closed. Not so bad! I also made the oreo button pops for favors and now have the homemade button frame at my desk at work. 
I LOVED the banner idea from the minute I saw it on Pinterest. And I LOVE how his banner came out. It's now in his scrapbook for when he's older and I can pull it out for his 30th birthday or something. 
The chalk board took a few nights to make. There were some things that were definitely going on the sign, but I didn't know how to line it all up. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and I got to use it in his 1 year photos, too! I did make his hats as well. You wouldn't believe how EASY those were. The base is a regular party hat (that you would buy in packs of 8 or 10) then you unfold it so it's flat and cut out fancy scrapbooking paper to make the designs/colors you want. There is ribbon along the bottom and the pom ball on top is just yarn. When you're done decorating seal it back up the way it was and wah-lah!
Button Garland. This was much easier than you would think. It's fishing wire and a circle hole punch. The time consuming part was punching out the circles - but you have to delegate some tasks to hubby right?! :)
I ordered his cake topper fondant pieces from a shop on Etsy. She made assorted buttons that we put on his smash cake and the top of the big cake. I think it was about $20 for all of them which wasn't bad if you ask me. I did have to do some mending on the letters when they came in, but it was really easy.
Baby boy wanted nothing to do with the cake and didn't get as messy as your typical baby does. He munched on his pretzels and was just as happy.


your handsome face: 12 months

While I was putting this last collage together, I have come to realized that these pictures have helped me to watch you become into a little boy this past year. I can remember vividly with every snap of my camera phone the odd faces you would make as a baby... but they have now turned into babbles, huge smiles, and sometimes a frown. Your face is just as handsome and captivating to me as it was the first time I saw it while you were still inside me... but you're a little boy now. Not just my baby, but a ball of energy and personality. You're someone, baby boy. And these pictures have helped me to capture you becoming one. I hope one day you'll appreciate them as much as I do.


12 months

12 months! One year... I can't believe I'm writing this post. Happy 1st incredible birthday to my little buddy. I love how you've changed my life and my heart since you've been in my life. I love you so very much and hope your day was so special and perfect. <3<3

I was going to put Caleb's "Dear baby" birthday letter here, but I decided to save it just for his baby book.


your handsome face: 11 months

Look at those little teeth popping through! We had a few challenges this month... With your first, and second, tummy bug... no fun! But also, some great firsts - like your first picnic, tooth brush, and stolen pair of sunglasses... oops!


11 months

Handsome boy, (or as I have learned to so fondly call you, my sweet booboo) Happy 11 month birthday. Only a few more weeks, and we'll be on to counting the years of your precious life rather than the months and weeks. Sometimes it feels like once you came into our lives, we have been running non-stop. Every time I think I can slow down and appreciate the "new you" that has emerged, you're off and doing something else and changing again. It's amazing really. I've never admired someone so much or wanted to know how their mind is working as much as I do you. It seems strange right? You're learning about blocks and balls and learning to crawl (and some day walk!) and putting together sounds and a few words, but I really wonder what you think of this whole world. Are you as in awe as I suspect you are? Every time you see a ball, even if it was just 10 minutes later, it's a cause for celebration! My 30 years says, yes, it's just a ball... but to you it's the best thing you've encountered all day. And you're so proud of yourself for finding it, and for holding it... and now, throwing it! I am just as in awe of your every move and milestone. Keep growing and learning my little angel. I'm so proud to be your mommy <3
I can climb on and off the chair by myself now!

Trying to escape the chair again!


your handsome face: 10 months

My little cuddle monkey. How is it possible that 10 months have passed since you came into my life? You're becoming more and more active and quite the entertainer. <3

10 months

I'm getting pretty good at this posing thing, huh mommy!? :)
RAWR!! Attack of the baby!!

Yes, I think you're quite adorable in your mohawk! Your naturally growing one seems to have disappeared as your hair is growing in and you're getting somewhat of a mullet... I refuse to cut it at this point though. It is way too early for your first hair cut.

You are quite the little crowd pleaser, little guy. People stop me all the time to say how cute you are and you LOVE it, you smile and "talk" for them. It's crazy to me how you were just a little baby a few short months ago and now we are speeding up to your first birthday.

Your first year has been nothing short of amazing and the fun is just beginning. While you haven't taken your first step yet, I'm pretty sure you'll be taking that leap pretty soon. You like to stand on your own and bang on the couch, the bed, the dresser, the tub. The louder the noise, the more fun it is! As much as I want you to learn and be independent, I LOVE that you're still my cuddly, bear hug, loves to give kisses little boy. If I can't keep you small for any longer, at least don't lose that love of love in your heart.

Love you always,


my baby in... a box!!

Happy Valentine's day lover boy!


your handsome face: month 10

When we were counting 60 days until your birth, I couldn't wait for you to be "out" and in my arms. I knew then that a year later I would be wishing the exact opposite... 
I just didn't know how quickly that year would pass.


9 months

Baby boy,

Look at that serious face! The week to follow these photos was a rough one for you and me. You had your first really bad cough followed by a stomach bug that you shared with me... We are troopers though and I'm sure you loved the time home with me as much as I did with you! We played together, folded laundry together, napped together, watched bubble guppies all day together :) You are a little shadow and want to be doing everything we are doing. If I'm cooking dinner, I give you a toy to play with, but you'd much rather play with the pans... If I'm eating cereal, you're all about what's in my bowl rather than what's on your tray. If I'm hanging up your clothes, you don't want to play with your walker, you'd rather play with a hanger. You are seriously sweet and cuddly which I LOVE and hope you stay that way... at least a little bit. You won't clap your hands yet (but you do do this tomahawk chop thing which *I think* is you trying!) or wave bye bye on a consistent basis... but kisses, you LOVE to share! You were a rockstar at your Drs appointment and flirted with your new Dr like a ham. I bet you think you got lucky because you didn't get shots! But we're going to have to go back for those because of your fever. I'm happy we're feeling better, but not looking forward to that.
Here's to another amazing month!

<3 love, mama

your handsome face: 9 months

You are 9 months old?! I can't even believe it.