[how I met your father]

Hubby and I have a romantic kind of "how we met" story. I had started a second job as a waitress part time for some extra cash at a new chain restaurant location that was opening in my hometown. A good friend of mine since HS was working there with me. She had worked for this chain restaurant for several years at other locations. One day while we were shopping for ties for the new gig, she says, "I wish you could have met C before he moved to Florida. I think you guys would have really like each other." She then proceeded to call him to catch up and handed the phone to me... and we've been continuing the conversation everyday since. <3

Hubby and I handled a long distance relationship between FL and NJ for almost a year before we took the leap and moved in together in FL in 2007. After 5 moves in 2 years, we finally bought a house in GA and settled down in 2009 where we live with our two furbabies, Peyton (English Bulldog) and Lilly (Chihuahua). We got married in NJ in 2010.