
18 weeks

How far along: 18 weeks. Sorry no bump picture again. We were busy running around again this weekend. Caleb got his 3 year photos taken and I think they came out adorable!!

Weight: +9

Maternity clothes: Yes, I think I'm still looking too chubby and not pregnant yet. But nothing else fits. Literally. So it is what it is!

Stretch marks: nope

Sleep: Can't complain yet.

Best moment this week: I loved watching Caleb run around  with his cape. I should have taken a video of him during the session! His imagination is incredible. There is so much he already knows about and it amazes me.

Movement:Yep - she's in there kicking away! I've been feeling consistent kicks pretty much every day now.

Food cravings:Yogurt parfaits. Have you ever had honey with plain greek yogurt?! OMG so good. I thought I wouldn't like it but with a little granola... soooo good!

Food aversions: same.

Gender: Little sister <3

Labor pains: Not yet!

Belly Button in or out? in.

What I miss: I kinda miss working out... Sounds crazy right? But now that I'm feeling better, I'm hoping to start going to to the gym at least twice a week starting 5/1. The gym is starting a childcare program so I'm hoping it helps with giving me a little time to get there and get a little work out in.

What I am looking forward to: LOTS! I've started planning our Disney vacation big time this week! This week starts exactly 6 months until we're there and I can now start making reservations for dining and probably get our tickets for the Mickey Very Merry Christmas party!

Milestones:Yawning, hiccuping, kicking and rolling full time starts this week. I had forgotten about the baby hiccups until I read this. Caleb used to get them all the time. I don't think this baby has had them yet!


17 weeks

How far along: 17 weeks

Maternity clothes: I'm actually shocked how much longer I'm working through my actual wardrobe. Mom got me some new maternity shorts the week which were MUCH needed since the weather has been going back and forth between mild and so-freaking-hot-you-can't-breathe.

Weight: +7.5 lbs

Stretch marks: negative

Sleep: so tired. Always.

Best moment this week: omgoshhhh Caleb's party was aaaaawesome! I love planning parties :) ALSO, I picked out (can't say bought bc mom swiped it) a first outfit for little miss. I've sort of been delaying buying anything... I'm not sure why... Maybe because we can't really start on her room or I have no where to put it... But now I feel like I must buy ALL the girl clothes. lol

Movement: Random. This chickie didn't want to show us anything at the ultrasound this week, but she was for sure wiggling in there.

Food cravings: nada oh wait... iced dunkin donus coffee. I grab one at least 3 times a week. I guess that's a craving? I never really got any with Caleb either. A craving that says YOU MUST HAVE THIS NOW. Is that actually real?
Food aversions: stop it.

Gender: super girl!

Labor pains: too soon.

Belly Button in or out? Always in.

What I miss: Fitting into my clothes! I mean, can I look pregnant yet? I just look like I had a few extra cheeseburgers still...

What I am looking forward to: This little girls room. Her relationship with her brother. Lots of pink!

Milestones: You're starting to develop and strengthen your bones this week. Instead of cartilage that was there, her bones are hardening and getting ready to REALLY start kicking and punching at mommy ;)


16 weeks

How far along: 16 weeks

Maternity clothes: still sometimes. I can get away with the rubber band trick pretty well on my jeans for right now.

Stretch marks: no

Sleep: Yes. But the insomnia is creeping in. If Caleb gets up at 2am. I am for sure awake for at least the next 2 hours. So, while I have no problem falling asleep initially, if I get woken up... Game over.

Best moment this week: Celebrating my baby boys 3rd birthday! Wow... time really flies. His birthday was on a Monday this year (boo, pretty much worst day to have a bday ever.) so we went to Catch Air and he got to have pizza. The didn't have any candles to sign to him which kind of bummed me out. But he got to bring cupcakes to school on his actual birthday and they sang. Next year, I'm taking the day off for his birthday for sure.

Movement: Sometimes here and there. We have a 3D ultra sound tomorrow so I'm happy I can finally feel what I think is her again. I was freaking out for a minute there.

Food cravings: Really not much.

Food aversions: Shut up. I'm not writing about this again.

Gender: TBD

Labor pains: nothing really. I have to remember to get up and walk around at work more often. When I sit for too long and then stand up, I feel the round ligament pain stretching. I will say I suddenly feel a lot better lately. The morning sickness definitely stuck around for longer than the first trimester and smells still will set me off gagging... but for the most part I'm not queasy 24/7 anymore and feel relatively good.

Belly Button in or out? In. Won't pop this time for sure either.

What I miss: Still my energy. I'm waiting for the must-buy-everything phase to set in. I haven't wanted to buy anything really for this little one yet. Maybe because I know my mom is buying a ton or maybe bc I know we have a lot from Caleb we can reuse...

What I am looking forward to: My superhero's party this weekend!! Seeing this sweet bean on Friday!!

Weekly Wisdom:

Milestones: Baby has fingernails and toenails. Her body is covered in hair which will almost all completely fall out before birth. What's funny to me about this is that people always say your baby will have a ton of hair if you have heartburn. Well, they all have a ton of hair majority of the time they are in the womb so...?  LOL


15 weeks

How far along: 15 weeks

Maternity clothes: Sometimes. I'm definitely more bloated this week. Check the pic lol

Stretch marks: Nope

Sleep: All I do is sleep. Sleep and work. And pretend not to be nauseous.

Best moment this week: Announcing to the world that. IT'S A GIRL! Our new doctor took a guess at 11 weeks 5 days that it was a girl and he was right! Crazy how different pregnancies are. With Caleb they couldn't see a thing at 12 weeks at my scan.

Movement: Sometimes. I remember feeling Caleb a lot in the mornings. This bean moves when she wants. It's really random.

Food cravings: Not much

Food aversions: Onions. Cooked, uncooked, on a bagel, in someone else's lunch next to me. Gross. Pot roast. Disgusting. Mushy veggies and overcooked eggs.

Gender: Sweet Princess! I thought it would be anticlimactic to get a phone call saying what the sex is. But I was still thrilled when they told me. I immediately called my mom and my husband text me a few minutes later asking if we knew.

Labor pains: Nope.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Being productive. I really wanted to continue cross fitting through my pregnancy. I only did it 3 months before we got pregnant, but you should be able to continue with no problem doing what you did before you got pregnant. Morning sickness killed me. I'm really hoping I can start walking or doing something during the night after Caleb goes to bed because I'm just so tired I just go to bed.

What I am looking forward to: Lots of pink! Teensie little hairbows and big headbands!

Milestones: Now that we know what the sex is, let the shopping begin!!


14 weeks

How far along: 14 weeks

Maternity clothes: Part time. Pro tip - I'm not wearing them in the photo. Maybe another few weeks and it'll be full time. I need to get some more shirts and capri's.

Stretch marks: no

Sleep: I love sleep. So much.Ah... sleep.

Best moment this week: Finding out what this little bean is!! TBA here soon.

Movement: Sadly, I haven't felt anything this past week. Nothing I can concretely say is baby for sure. So, now I'm counting down the days until my next ultrasound.

Food cravings: Oh! I had my first craving this week! Raw snap peas and carrots. Raw veggies really. With ranch dressing. I had them for lunch yesterday too... with mushrooms! Apparently just cooked mushrooms are on the no fly list.

Food aversions: Still present. I don't know which pregnancy symptom I dislike more... morning sickness or super sniffing sinus. (which is totally unfair because I've had the worst boogers and stuffyness since about 7 weeks as well)

Gender: I know something you don't know!

Labor pains:None

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Planning my meals ahead of time. I can make lunch, and almost guarantee it won't be what I want by the time lunch comes around. I rarely have dinner because I'm too tired by 630 when I get home to eat.

What I am looking forward to: Having an actual bump. I know it's coming. And faster than I think, but I'm tired of being frumpy. I want to look preggo... not just fat. All in good time I guess.

Weekly Wisdom: It is totally acceptable to ban certain foods from your office and home. Last weekend my husband cooked his sausage and chicken crockpot feast outside and I have banned all onion eating in my office. Sorrynotsorry.

Milestones: Look it's the first bump picture! That's a milestone. No real bump yet. But I was super fluffy already. Baby has started to make faces in the womb like grimaces, squinting and frowning. He/she may be sucking his/her thumb, too.