Maternity clothes: Still fulltime. I mean, what else is there. By the time I feel cold enough to wear my winter coat (which I'm not entirely sure will ever come considering how HOT I am all the time), I won't be able to button it. So, it looks like I'll be wearing a ski jacket to work in a few weeks. Maybe.
Stretch marks: Nope.
Best moment this week: Hubby gave me my Christmas present! A new camera! I'm so excited to start learning how to use it and ready to take picctures of little man in a few months!
Movement: There really is a baby in my belly. He reminds me he's there everyday with the kicks, jabs, and rolls he's doing in there.
Food aversions: Chicken and chop meat. And onions.
Gender: My sweet baby boy. <3
Labor pains: No. But I sure am grunty. Bending over now requires me to hold my breath, which is short anyway and I end up gruntrunting or making some other noise that is really not lady-like.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Putting on my skinny jeans and feeling sexy.
What I am looking forward to: His first giggles and smiles to us. I have TONS of baby related dreams about this little boy and can't wait to watch them all come to life.
Weekly Wisdom: So in love with this quote...
Milestones: At this point, my emails can't decide if this is my 22nd week or 23rd week. It's getting kind of confusing. Both say roughly the same information, but still, one week more makes me feel that much more unprepared! Anyway, LittleMan is about 1 lb by now and 11 inches long. He's regularly exercising in there (I can feel it). I'm starting to wonder if I'll get another ultrasound at the Dr.'s office. We're hoping to do a 3D scan in 3-4 weeks, but I'd like to space it out a little if we will have another "official" one. Oh, AND my child has a name. It's still a secrety, but... it feels so much better to call him by a name when hubby and I are together :)