Maternity clothes: Yes. I dropped Hubbys clothes off to the drycleaners yesterday and the lady actually reached out and grabbed my belly. I have to say, it really doesn't bother me at all. Now, if some complete stranger that I've never spoken to before did that, that might be a little weird. Otherwise, I don't care who wants to say hello to my little angel :)
Stretch marks: Nope.
Sleep: Ah, sleep. I can't say I'm not sleeping well, because I have pretty insane nightmares almost every night and I'm too knocked out to wake up. But my back is starting to ache a little and my butt muscles hurt and I'm pretty sure it's because I'm not sleeping in a position that's really comfortable. More than once I've woken up laying on my back which is a pretty big no-no.
Best moment this week: We're in NJ! All the Christmas shopping is done. And I plan on having a huge wrapping fiasco sometime today. I'm pumped!
Movement: Little man has his crazy days and his more calm days. Here's a little insight to my inner dialog during a random day...
Me: hm... I have to pee... (even though I just peed 20 minutes ago.)
Baby: excuse me... ::poke poke:: (completely on cue) you have to pee lady... HELLO! I know you know you have to pee and if you don't know, I'm telling you. ::poke poke:: Go pee. NOW!! ::does a sommersault on my bladder::
Me: OMGosh I'm going to the ladies room... again...
Food cravings: Milk, mac and cheese, cereal, nothing really new. I wish I had one of those OMG I need that right now, but it's just more of the same dairy products for this momma. Oh, and salad. I guess I didn't realize how many chick-fil-a and Zaxby salads I keep picking up.
Food aversions: Same.
Gender: He's my little man. <3
Labor pains: I think I actually had a Braxton Hicks contraction this week. It only happened once and I'm not sure why. I tried googling and they say it's not supposed to hurt... This hurt, so maybe it wasn't? My tummy was SUPER tight and I just wanted to lay down and not move. I drank a ton of water (as google suggested) and I felt fine later. But whoa. That was not fun.
Belly Button in or out? In. It's not going to pop out. Is it possible for my belly button to have shifted up? I feel like it's higher than it used to be and definitely wider.
What I miss: Nothing. I'm in a pretty darn good mood today!
What I am looking forward to: Christmas with my family, seeing all our friends, giving presents, eating really good food, cookies, eggnog! I love Christmas <3 Our last Christmas as a couple, without a grandchild, without our little precious boy. I can't wait to spoil him rotten Christmas 2012!!
Weekly Wisdom: Although my boss insists on pointing out my growing belly (yes, captain obvious, that's what happens during pregnancy), I sleep easy knowing that MY belly isn't all fat.
Milestones: By the end of this week, baby will weigh in at 2 lbs and about 14 inches long (according to, which IMO progresses a lot faster than the other websites). His little man parts are dropping down into their proper place and he's still practicing the art of breathing and filling those little baby lungs with amniotic fluid.
Dear Baby,
Oh, my little mover and a shaker! I love you so much I can't even comprehend it sometimes. Everyone is so eager and excited to meet you. We are especially thankful during this holiday season for you and your little squirmy movements. You've gotten so many cute little gifts already... your mommy really needs to start organizing and cleaning your room for your arrival. I've been reading that you'll be able to hear voices and other sounds pretty distinctly now so mommy and daddy have been trying to talk to you more often to make sure you'll be able to know you're safe with us when you finally decide to show up. No rush though, baby boy!
Keep growing and wiggling my little monkey
Love, Mommy
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