Maternity clothes: Yes. I'm looking at a lot of maternity pics to try to find some that I like and it surprises me how many pictures the momma is wearing her pre-preg jeans unbuttoned. I can't even get mine past my hips.
Stretch marks: Nothing new yet. But my linea negra showed up on Christmas day. Another, oh.my.gawd. This is really real moment. Merry Christmas, Mommy.
Sleep: Still relatively good. I know a lot of people nap during the day which is something I just can't do and I wonder if that's why I'm sleeping so much through the night (with the occasional potty run). It's really not been all that bad.
Best moment this week: Christmas was wonderful this year. Little man has SO many people who are excited for his arrival. BabyBoy also kicked for a lot of people!! I think the absolute BEST was waking up my sister really early one morning just so she could feel him move. We had tried a few times, and she thought she felt it but I knew she would really feel it early in the morning - That's usually when he does his big kung pow kicks. After about 10 minutes of his jamming away in there, I rushed downstairs to her room to see if he would perform for her. And he did :) Love it!
Movement: Probably one of my favorite things. Always best minutes of my day.
Food cravings: Nothing new.
Food aversions: Same.
Gender: A little football player! He got his first football Jersey for Christmas and so many adorable little outfits. I swear this little boy is going to have more shoes than his mommy.
Labor pains: New this week: Cankles and swollen feet. They don't hurt at all, but are minorly disturbing considering I haven't had my glucose test yet. I'm not sure if it's a new pregnancy thing completely, or maybe associated with all the traveling. Either way, I'm trying not to cross my legs as much and sticking with flats for a while. This morning they looked normal but last night they were swollen again.
Belly Button in or out? In. (my bets are still on that it won't pop out. Only time will tell!)
What I miss: Taking a really long satisfying pee. I always feel like - omg if I don't get to a bathroom in 30 seconds, I might pee myself... and then, only a little comes out. 30 minutes later, I'm dying to go again! I know it's little man laying on my bladder making me feel that way, but I would really like to feel like I'm, I don't know... accomplishing something in there? lol
What I am looking forward to: Everything I celebrated this year will be celebrated with my SON next year. That is what I look forward to. Watching him amazed at the Christmas tree, maybe seeing some snow, I look forward to hearing his laughs and watching him play with his Christmas toys (or boxes). Memories of his first Christmas.
Weekly Wisdom: Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. -Lin Yutang
To my angels little angel.....You need to stay put until you are strong enough to bug the crap out of your mom with me.... CAN'T wait........ We're going to have a ball