How far along: 37 weeks. You may now consider me full term. Any day now little one! (Well, any day after Saturday.)
Maternity clothes: Yes. I need new shoes, shirts and pants and I don't want to buy a damn thing because as soon as I spend the time and money walking around and picking it out, he'll show up for sure and I won't need that stuff anymore, right?!
Stretch marks: Nothing new here. but my belly is super shiny and the veins are just HUGE!
Sleep: I think I get enough sleep, but I'm hella tired during the day. I can't wait to come home and crash. I did the grocery shopping last night but told C he can cook for himself because that took about all my energy.
36 weeks
How far along: 36 weeks T minus 7 days until FULL TERM! Sorry, no new picture this week... so to make up for it, I put together a little bump progression. Now you can REALLY see how BIG I am! It's really crazy how time flies. It feels like I was just calling my mom freaking out about a positive test.
What I miss: My wardrobe. People not asking "how do you feel?" or people saying "Oh, you're still pregnant??" Wow really... It does take 9 months people. And it feels longer to me than it does to you... Trust me!
What I am looking forward to: Does my baby have hair? Will he have a cleft in his chin? Will his eyes be blue or green? His hair dark or light? I'm just eager to get to know my child at this point.
Maternity clothes: Yes. Geez, I feel like I need maternity shoes at this point. My flats are about to bust out at the seems. My poor feet. My coworkers are trying to get me to wear flip flops every day since it's so bad, but I just can't bring myself to do so. Big C actually helped paint my toes one night this week... that was fun haha! I might just have to wear the flip flops next week if this warm weather is really sticking around. Except I will have to get a professional pedi if I do that.
Stretch marks: Just those few. But it is starting too look like bruising around my belly button. No stretch marks, but it's almost blue-ish in color. Really weird. I guess he's just pressing really hard on the skin there.
Sleep: Preparing for the all-nighters with Caleb, I guess. Some nights I'll wake up and not be able to fall back asleep for hours... Other times, I'm asleep at 9:30 and don't get up until 7am.
Best moment this week: We scheduled our last "peek-a-boo" with an ultrasound for April 2nd. Last time we'll see our boy as an inside baby <3
Movement: He's got his hand or foot or butt wedged in my rib on the right side again. It's pretty much an every day thing now. I have to sit up real straight so it doesn't hurt... but my back hurts... so I really can't win. He still moves in there, but it's kind of more like pressure than the movements I felt before. I don't like it so much anymore. I'd like very much to go back to those little tickling feelings or to tickle my little man in person.
Food cravings: Nope.
Food aversions: Nada.
Gender: Handsome little devil
Labor pains: I have been having random BH's contractions. They don't hurt much but baby gets real crazy when I get them and that's what hurts. My stomach gets real tight, he starts flipping out and squirming and punching. It's not fun. But I haven't had anything consistent to think it would be at all related to real labor. It usually helps if I'm able to hum and kind of rub my tummy to relax.
What I miss: My wardrobe. People not asking "how do you feel?" or people saying "Oh, you're still pregnant??" Wow really... It does take 9 months people. And it feels longer to me than it does to you... Trust me!
What I am looking forward to: Does my baby have hair? Will he have a cleft in his chin? Will his eyes be blue or green? His hair dark or light? I'm just eager to get to know my child at this point.
Weekly Wisdom: When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. -Sophia Loren
Milestones: Baby is now about 5.75 lbs and 18.75 inches long. The size of a crenshaw melon... whatever that is! How did he go from a poppyseed to a full size child so quickly! And the last few weeks, these growth updates make me think he'll be the size of a toddler by the time he actually comes out! I know they are only estimates but whoa.
Dear baby,
I hope you're starting to save up some energy for your big day as you have only a few short weeks left until you make your appearance. Your room is becoming quite the masterpiece with all the amazing details Daddy and I have picked for you. Your closet is fully stocked with the most adorable attire a young man will ever wear thanks to your Grammy and Aunt K. I'm happy to say, we are feeling ready for you to arrive... almost officially. You're probably getting nervous and to be honest, so is your mommy. But please remember, no matter what happens, I'll be there waiting for you with the biggest smile and warmest hug you've ever felt. I can't believe how much I love you already and long to hold you so close to me. You've got an exciting and wonderful world waiting for you little guy and I can't wait to share it with you.
Love you to the moon and back <3
Dear baby,
I hope you're starting to save up some energy for your big day as you have only a few short weeks left until you make your appearance. Your room is becoming quite the masterpiece with all the amazing details Daddy and I have picked for you. Your closet is fully stocked with the most adorable attire a young man will ever wear thanks to your Grammy and Aunt K. I'm happy to say, we are feeling ready for you to arrive... almost officially. You're probably getting nervous and to be honest, so is your mommy. But please remember, no matter what happens, I'll be there waiting for you with the biggest smile and warmest hug you've ever felt. I can't believe how much I love you already and long to hold you so close to me. You've got an exciting and wonderful world waiting for you little guy and I can't wait to share it with you.
Love you to the moon and back <3
Happy Monday!
Whoops! I started writing this and never posted it... sorry for the late post!

Another weekend of "nesting" and preparing for our little dudes arrival.
-Mommy bought flowers to plant outside. When I found out I was pregnant, I kind of had a vision of decorating the house for Easter and planting flowers so that everything would be so pretty and perfect when we brought baby home... And I can't believe I'm doing just that. :)
-Organize clothes and put most away in drawers. I'm waiting on a second package from my mom with more hangers. My thought was to wash all the clothes without tags since we won't be returning those and hanging up several sizes in the closet for easy grabbing. I separated the newborn clothes and didn't wash any of those as I don't think our little guy will ever be that little... but we'll see. I hung 0-3 mos, 3 mos, 3-6 mos, and 6 mos clothes. Still have a few more to hang once the hangers arrive.
Other Stuff
-Shipped 1 hoodie. I'm still keeping my shop closed for a bit because I have some personal orders I want to finish. They keep getting bumped back with my shop orders. As of today (Wednesday, sorry for the delayed posting) I have one more hoodie to make and my shop will be caught up to date. whew!
-Wrote and sent thank yous for my work shower. Printed about half of the ones for my first shower and only wrote 3. Need to work on those this weekend and get them out!
-Put my license plate on the mommy mobile ;)
-Started packing hospital bag. So far I have a pair of yoga pants, 2 of little C's coming home outfit options, and a towel. haha. I need to "make that a priority this weekend..." says my husband. Think he's getting nervous yet? :)
Oh, look. It's Monday again. 10 more sales days left in this month. Not that it means I'm only working for the next 10 business days, but it does mean I'm only working my tail off for the next 10 days. After that, I can kind of relax because we'll officially be on baby watch. So, here's your Monday Motivation!!
Another weekend of "nesting" and preparing for our little dudes arrival.
-Vaccumed rugs upstairs and spot cleaned half of the puppy spots up stairs. Need to go back next weekend and finish the hallway and then it can be considered DONE!
-Bathe dogs
-Washed our sheets and sewed buttons back onto the duvet that the dog likes to eat.
Little C's Room
-Yes, we went to Ikea on Saturday and it was quite possibly the fastest trip there ever! We walked in around 10:30, made a beeline straight to the dresser, picked it up, went through self checkout and were on our way home 20 minutes later. Sunday, Daddy put the second dresser together and now the furniture is complete!
-Hung wall clings. The look adorable! I can't wait to take full pictures of the finished room for little man <3-Organize clothes and put most away in drawers. I'm waiting on a second package from my mom with more hangers. My thought was to wash all the clothes without tags since we won't be returning those and hanging up several sizes in the closet for easy grabbing. I separated the newborn clothes and didn't wash any of those as I don't think our little guy will ever be that little... but we'll see. I hung 0-3 mos, 3 mos, 3-6 mos, and 6 mos clothes. Still have a few more to hang once the hangers arrive.
Other Stuff
-Shipped 1 hoodie. I'm still keeping my shop closed for a bit because I have some personal orders I want to finish. They keep getting bumped back with my shop orders. As of today (Wednesday, sorry for the delayed posting) I have one more hoodie to make and my shop will be caught up to date. whew!
-Wrote and sent thank yous for my work shower. Printed about half of the ones for my first shower and only wrote 3. Need to work on those this weekend and get them out!
-Put my license plate on the mommy mobile ;)
-Started packing hospital bag. So far I have a pair of yoga pants, 2 of little C's coming home outfit options, and a towel. haha. I need to "make that a priority this weekend..." says my husband. Think he's getting nervous yet? :)
35 weeks
How far along: 35 weeks
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks: None on my belly. Still only a few on my hips
Sleep: I do the whole roll out of bed, pee, get back in bed without really waking up now. ha! One morning I rolled over and thought about going to the bathroom, thought I heard big C go in and come back... Then I thought again about going to the bathroom and didn't have to go... So, that must have been me. haha. I asked him in the morning if he had gotten up and he said no. Good job, Jaime. Completing a trip to the bathroom without feeling like getting out of the bed. Nice.
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks: None on my belly. Still only a few on my hips
Sleep: I do the whole roll out of bed, pee, get back in bed without really waking up now. ha! One morning I rolled over and thought about going to the bathroom, thought I heard big C go in and come back... Then I thought again about going to the bathroom and didn't have to go... So, that must have been me. haha. I asked him in the morning if he had gotten up and he said no. Good job, Jaime. Completing a trip to the bathroom without feeling like getting out of the bed. Nice.
Weekend Recap
Where did the weekend go!!?? Honestly, I had a pretty good and relaxing weekend... And again, we did almost NOTHING on this list. We had prepared to go to Ikea and get the second dresser, but the Ikea website is the most unreliable source for product availability! I checked the numbers multiple times on Thursday-Sunday and again this morning and it keeps saying we only have a few today (say 6-10) but we'll have a lot tomorrow (20-30). So we didn't trek all the way down there to be told "we don't have it again." But next Saturday, we are going first thing in the morning, no matter what that site says.
Weekend plans
Another busy weekend for us! This helped me to stay on track last weekend and hopefully, will work this weekend :)
-vaccum/wash couch cover
-vaccum rugs upstairs and spot clean
-sweep and wash kitchen/dining room floors
-bathe dogs, clean dog beds
-pick up drycleaning... drop off drycleaning...
-clean shower, clean tub in little C's room
Little C's Room
-order and pick up dresser at Ikea
-finish mobile and hang
-hang wall clings
-print prints for frames
-pick up rocker from Julies
-organize clothes and put away in drawers
-need to figure out how many sheets, teething rails, diaper pad covers, etc we have and/or need
Other Stuff
-pick up onesie from Hobby Lobby
-e-mail Father James about Baptism
-rhinestones on above onesie and pack up shower gift to ship
-ship 2 hoodies addl hoodies (I reopened my shop today for 2 hours... and sold 4 hoodies... busy time of year?! I don't want to be caught with too many orders before I go into labor though. Especially with all the stuff that needs to get done)
-print, write and send thank yous for both showers
-buy a new crockpot
-pick and buy a diaper bag
-start packing hospital bag
-sew buttons on duvet
-change cruise dates from may 2012 to may 2013
-drop off Christians 2 boxes to storage... pick up 2 more of Cliff's boxes
-figure out how to use my iPhone in my new car
-vaccum/wash couch cover
-vaccum rugs upstairs and spot clean
-sweep and wash kitchen/dining room floors
-bathe dogs, clean dog beds
-pick up drycleaning... drop off drycleaning...
-clean shower, clean tub in little C's room
Little C's Room
-order and pick up dresser at Ikea
-finish mobile and hang
-hang wall clings
-print prints for frames
-pick up rocker from Julies
-organize clothes and put away in drawers
-need to figure out how many sheets, teething rails, diaper pad covers, etc we have and/or need
Other Stuff
-pick up onesie from Hobby Lobby
-e-mail Father James about Baptism
-rhinestones on above onesie and pack up shower gift to ship
-ship 2 hoodies addl hoodies (I reopened my shop today for 2 hours... and sold 4 hoodies... busy time of year?! I don't want to be caught with too many orders before I go into labor though. Especially with all the stuff that needs to get done)
-print, write and send thank yous for both showers
-buy a new crockpot
-pick and buy a diaper bag
-start packing hospital bag
-sew buttons on duvet
-change cruise dates from may 2012 to may 2013
-drop off Christians 2 boxes to storage... pick up 2 more of Cliff's boxes
-figure out how to use my iPhone in my new car
34 weeks
How far along: 34 weeks (Surprise! The wall behind me is now BLUE!)
Maternity clothes: Yes. I really don't want to buy anything else, but I think I need to invest in a few tank tops to wear now that it's getting warm on a regular basis and some khaki pants seeing as I've worn jeans to work the last 2 days.
Stretch marks: Just the few on my hips. Surprised there aren't any on my belly because it's getting really tight feeling.
Sleep: Currently getting up to pee at least once if not twice every night. But, I get back in bed and pass right out again. I'm also still a little congested so I'm sure that's not helping either.
Happy Monday
Hey look... it's the return of Motivation Monday! Happy Monday, party people!! :)
We had a really productive weekend considering the massive list we set out to accomplish. Household chores... unfortunately really didn't get touched. BUT! We made some major progress with little C's room and I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that one more weekend will do the trick to be... um... FINISHED!
We had a really productive weekend considering the massive list we set out to accomplish. Household chores... unfortunately really didn't get touched. BUT! We made some major progress with little C's room and I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that one more weekend will do the trick to be... um... FINISHED!
Let the nesting begin...
Let's be honest, nesting set in WAY before today. But for some reason, March 1st feels like some kind of deadline that should be at least 2 months away... but it's not... it... was... yesterday. And now I feel like the "oh shiiiiizzz" scramble coming on. I knew February would FLY by with all the classes and showers and other fun stuff we had to do, and now I'm realizing March will probably be the same way with our pediatrician open house, bi-weekly Drs appointments, and our final mothers first class for breastfeeding. So, to help me see that there's some light at the end of the tunnel, I'm writing down everything that needs to get done (God willing) this weekend.
33 weeks
How far along: 33 weeks
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks: They're back. The few I saw on my hip a few weeks ago... are there again and on both sides now. Bleh. None on my belly though.
Sleep: Sucky! I'm fighting a cold this week too, so combined with the "I have to pee...again" is the "I have to blow my nose...again" and "cough, cough, choke...again..."
Best moment this week: I didn't think I was going to make it out of bed but, my work shower was this weekend. Caleb got a ton of diapering essentials and more adorable clothes. I'll post pictures in a few days.
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks: They're back. The few I saw on my hip a few weeks ago... are there again and on both sides now. Bleh. None on my belly though.
Sleep: Sucky! I'm fighting a cold this week too, so combined with the "I have to pee...again" is the "I have to blow my nose...again" and "cough, cough, choke...again..."
Best moment this week: I didn't think I was going to make it out of bed but, my work shower was this weekend. Caleb got a ton of diapering essentials and more adorable clothes. I'll post pictures in a few days.
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