Oh, look. It's Monday again. 10 more sales days left in this month. Not that it means I'm only working for the next 10 business days, but it does mean I'm only working my tail off for the next 10 days. After that, I can kind of relax because we'll officially be on baby watch. So, here's your Monday Motivation!!
Another weekend of "nesting" and preparing for our little dudes arrival.
-Vaccumed rugs upstairs and spot cleaned half of the puppy spots up stairs. Need to go back next weekend and finish the hallway and then it can be considered DONE!
-Bathe dogs
-Washed our sheets and sewed buttons back onto the duvet that the dog likes to eat.
Little C's Room
-Yes, we went to Ikea on Saturday and it was quite possibly the fastest trip there ever! We walked in around 10:30, made a beeline straight to the dresser, picked it up, went through self checkout and were on our way home 20 minutes later. Sunday, Daddy put the second dresser together and now the furniture is complete!
-Hung wall clings. The look adorable! I can't wait to take full pictures of the finished room for little man <3-Organize clothes and put most away in drawers. I'm waiting on a second package from my mom with more hangers. My thought was to wash all the clothes without tags since we won't be returning those and hanging up several sizes in the closet for easy grabbing. I separated the newborn clothes and didn't wash any of those as I don't think our little guy will ever be that little... but we'll see. I hung 0-3 mos, 3 mos, 3-6 mos, and 6 mos clothes. Still have a few more to hang once the hangers arrive.
Other Stuff
-Shipped 1 hoodie. I'm still keeping my shop closed for a bit because I have some personal orders I want to finish. They keep getting bumped back with my shop orders. As of today (Wednesday, sorry for the delayed posting) I have one more hoodie to make and my shop will be caught up to date. whew!
-Wrote and sent thank yous for my work shower. Printed about half of the ones for my first shower and only wrote 3. Need to work on those this weekend and get them out!
-Put my license plate on the mommy mobile ;)
-Started packing hospital bag. So far I have a pair of yoga pants, 2 of little C's coming home outfit options, and a towel. haha. I need to "make that a priority this weekend..." says my husband. Think he's getting nervous yet? :)
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