Maternity clothes: Yes. I need new shoes, shirts and pants and I don't want to buy a damn thing because as soon as I spend the time and money walking around and picking it out, he'll show up for sure and I won't need that stuff anymore, right?!
Stretch marks: Nothing new here. but my belly is super shiny and the veins are just HUGE!
Sleep: I think I get enough sleep, but I'm hella tired during the day. I can't wait to come home and crash. I did the grocery shopping last night but told C he can cook for himself because that took about all my energy.
Best moment this week: Today! We're almost there. All those milestones FLEW by and now, we are officially on baby watch. He could come any day now and be happy and healthy and a take home baby <3 We scheduled our final ultrasound for Tuesday next week so we'll find out just how big my Dr. keeps telling me he is.
Movement: Still lots of random bumps and hiccups. I've been told he'll slow down before his arrival, but he hasn't started to slow down yet.
Food cravings: Chocolate chip mint ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. Hello - that's my moms craving!
Food aversions: Nada. Trying not to eat as much sodium so I can get this swelling under control.
Gender: Handsome little man.
Labor pains: Random Braxton Hicks contractions, but still nothing that's really able to be tracked. They are random. My feet are just plain huge. Dr. said there's nothing they can do. My BP is normal and no protein in my urine so it's just normal swelling... now, it's in my face and hands too. My back hurts and I'm just plain sore. This is what it feels like to be about to pop!
Belly Button in or out? In. I wish I would have bet some money on this one.
What I miss: Energy. This feels just like first tri.
Weekly Wisdom: It was the tiniest thing I've ever decided to put my whole life into. - Terri Guillemets
Milestones: 6.3 lbs and 19.25 inches long this week. Baby is practicing away in there. Swallowing and breathing in amniotic fluid, waving his little hands and kicking his adorable feet. I read somewhere that he will start sleeping up to 80% of the day while still in the womb... I'm sorry, but I just don't think that's true. He makes way too much bumping to be asleep. He also reacts to my every movement too. I can change positions at my desk and it will rub on my tummy and he'll poke right back. He HATES braxton hicks contractions too. Whenever I get them, he goes NUTS.
Now I am craving mint CC ice cream! ;-)