Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks: They're back. The few I saw on my hip a few weeks ago... are there again and on both sides now. Bleh. None on my belly though.
Sleep: Sucky! I'm fighting a cold this week too, so combined with the "I have to pee...again" is the "I have to blow my nose...again" and "cough, cough, choke...again..."
Best moment this week: I didn't think I was going to make it out of bed but, my work shower was this weekend. Caleb got a ton of diapering essentials and more adorable clothes. I'll post pictures in a few days.
Movement: Is very different now. He still kicks hard from time to time, but mostly it's turning and stretching and twisting I feel. My belly feels very full and heavy almost all of the time so sometimes it's hard to recognize that he's moving in there without reaching down and feeling him.
Food cravings: Nothing this week.
Food aversions: All is well here.
Gender: Most handsome boy on the block :)
Labor pains: No real new pains associated with baby. Mostly just battling the sickness this week. I was supposed to have my first bi-weekly checkup on Monday, but the nurse told me not to come in if I was sick. So, we rescheduled for Wednesday. I would have taken another day off, but I really want to save my sick days for when he's here.
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly... :(
What I am looking forward to: Sleeping on my belly... :)
Weekly Wisdom: The first person a little boy falls in love with is his mom. <3
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