
Weekend Recap

Where did the weekend go!!?? Honestly, I had a pretty good and relaxing weekend... And again, we did almost NOTHING on this list. We had prepared to go to Ikea and get the second dresser, but the Ikea website is the most unreliable source for product availability! I checked the numbers multiple times on Thursday-Sunday and again this morning and it keeps saying we only have a few today (say 6-10) but we'll have a lot tomorrow (20-30). So we didn't trek all the way down there to be told "we don't have it again." But next Saturday, we are going first thing in the morning, no matter what that site says.
-vaccum/wash couch cover
-vaccum rugs upstairs and spot clean
-sweep and wash kitchen/dining room floors
-bathe dogs, clean dog beds
-pick up drycleaning... drop off drycleaning...
-clean shower, clean tub in little C's room

Little C's Room
-finish mobile and hang (wanted to hang the wall clings before doing the mobile...)
-hang wall clings
-print prints for frames
-pick up rocker from Julies
-organize clothes and put away in drawers (half way through this. waiting on hangers to come from NJ... thanks mommy :) and then of course the other dresser... grrrrr)
-need to figure out how many sheets, teething rails, changing pad covers, etc we have and/or need
(have 5 sheets, 1 teething rail, 2 changing pad covers, 2 bassinet sheets, 4 towels, 10 wash clothes. Besides needing maybe 1 more teething rail, I think we're good on clothing and other items)
-find little C's coming home outfit We have two options based on how big our little guy will be. One outfit is newborn size and the other 0-3 months. I'm hoping he'll be on the larger size because that outfit has a cute little bunny on the butt that he possibly wouldn't be able to wear agait. Both complete with booties, mittens and a hat. :) I'll post pics in my "what to pack" post I'm compiling.

Other Stuff
-pick up onesie from Hobby Lobby (Got an awesome little dress and headband instead!)
-e-mail Father James about Baptism
-rhinestones on above onesie and pack up shower gift to ship
-ship 2 hoodies addl hoodies (I reopened my shop today for 2 hours... and sold 4 hoodies... busy time of year?! I don't want to be caught with too many orders before I go into labor though. Especially with all the stuff that needs to get done)
-print, write and send thank yous for both showers
-buy a new crockpot
-pick and buy a diaper bag
-start packing hospital bag
-sew buttons on duvet
-change cruise dates from may 2012 to may 2013
-drop off Christians 2 boxes to storage... pick up 2 more of Cliff's boxes
-figure out how to use my iPhone in my new car

Washing stuff for little C (I don't want to wash too much stuff, too soon... so this is all I'm washing)
-2 bassinett sheets
-5 crib sheets
-2 changing pad covers
-his first outfits to wear from the hospital
-4 towels and 10 wash clothes

Look, the list is smaller than I thought... and I guess I did get a few things done around the house. Cross your fingers we get that dresser this weekend because I want this nursery DONE! Please feel free to leave your thoughts on my "to wash" list and if you think we need more of something... sheets, towels, etc. I'm making an uneducated guess there.

1 comment:

  1. You got a lot done! Good for you!

    I'm washing about the same amount, plus all of his newborn clothes that were given to us secondhand since we can't return those or anything.

    I did wash receiving blankets and 2 other thicker blankets. I doubt he will cuddle in the thicker blankets... but they might be good for spreading on the floor or something.
