
12 weeks

Hey what's this... Looks like a deserted blog with no posts for a year and a half!? How does that happen!? How does time move so fast like that and it gets away from you completely!? Oh wait, that's life with toddler. ;)

Well, welcome back if you're reading this. And here's a big surprise... We're expecting!! I've got another running tally here since we didn't announce until just this last week. Actually, I didn't start writing this all out until 10 weeks...

How far along: 12 weeks.

Total weight gain/loss: +.6

Maternity clothes: Not yet. At 10 weeks I hadn't gained much but I hate wearing my pants buttoned. It's like light period cramps all the time on my lower belly. Just makes me feel gross. 12 weeks today and I don't care what the scale says... My belly feels hard on bottom and I'm tired of the pressure from jeans and pants. Break out the maternity clothes.

Stretch marks: none.

Sleep: Lots of sleep. I'm in bed by 8:30 most nights and up around 7. Mostly out the entire time, but sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night and be up for 2-3 hours.

Hi Baby!
Best moment this week: a tie. Between meeting my new doctor and feeling what I swear are baby's first movements. I know it sounds crazy but at least 5 times I have felt what I think was baby. Yes, I'm gassy, but I know the difference. Or at least I think I do! I switched Drs so that I can hopefully have a better birth this time and I LOVED the feel of his office and everything we learned when we were there.

Movement: see above!

Food cravings: none.

Food aversions: Onions. Salsa. Anything from the crock-pot really.

Gender: TBD.

Labor pains: Just RLP. If I stand really fast, sneeze, or cough too hard, it feels like stretching in my pelvis.

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: My energy. I've been much sicker this time than I was with Caleb.

What I am looking forward to: 2nd trimester and getting rid of the nausea. I threw up maybe once or twice with Caleb but I remember being nauseous all the time. Could be maybe I've forgotten a little bit but I feel like I've been WAY more sick this time with both the nausea and the vomiting :/

Weekly Wisdom: You know the warning your Dr.s give you about birth control and antibiotics. It's true. :) Beware... Or you might get a little surprise!

Milestones: Baby's first blog post! That's a milestone right?! (Hi Mom!) Baby's ears are now in place and he/she is just over 2 inches long now. No longer looking like a squirmy tadpole, he/she looks human now!

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