
38 weeks

How far along: 38 weeks and feeling done. So super well done. Sorry, no picture this week, but... keep your eyes peeled for the nursery reveal coming next :)

Maternity clothes: Yes. And it's casual week at work and my swollen feet are breathing freely in flip flops. Everyone loves telling me how horrible they look. I'm glad they agree with me.

Stretch marks: Nope. Two on my right hip and everything else just looks swollen and like my veins are going to pop through my skin.
Sleep: Sucks. Not just for me but now, my husband, too. I grunt rolling over... even in my sleep. I steal covers, then throw them off of me. The little dog growls. The big one snores. Sometimes I'm up at 5am and play on my phone for an hour and a half before getting out of bed... ridiculously tired and my hips are killing me from sleeping on my sides. I can't sleep on my back because then I can't breathe. I'm just so over this largeness!

Movement: Yes, he's still in there squirming and wiggling and, um banging around. I can't imagine that it's not starting to hurt him because it REALLY hurts me sometimes.

Food cravings: Nothing new. Except the chocolate lollipops that my mom sent me from my shower. Yummo - I'm trying not to eat them all too quickly. :)

Food aversions: I don't have any aversions anymore. But I have still been avoiding onions like the plague... not because they don't taste good, but they leave the taste in my mouth for days. So if I eat one by accident, I remember it for days and it's terrible.

Gender: Big C and I joked this weekend that we were having a little rock because my belly is hard as a rock! Think about the boulder guy from Fantastic 4... Now picture him baby sized... That's what I think is hiding in my tummy.

Labor pains: I haven't had any braxton hicks in a few days. W.T.F. Now, that I'm actually CLOSE to having him, they stop?! I'm achy all over and I sort of thought I'd been losing my mucus plug over the last week or so... but since I wasn't dilated at all this week, that's pretty unlikely.

Belly Button in or out? I win. It isn't coming out.

What I miss: Myself. Where did I go? And who is this cranky biotch in my place? Rawr!!

Best moment this week: Seeing my son on the inside for.the.last.time. I love his ultrasounds, don't get me wrong, but I'm so tired of having him inside. It's so physically draining and I just want him out and in my arms! Yes, I know it'll be rough having him up in the middle of the night, but I'm so ready for the next part of mommyhood! Anyway, back to the good part of this week... We have an end date. :) Our little guy ::ahem:: checked in at approximately 8lbs 12oz. So, being that we are still 2 weeks away from being "due" we no longer going "up to 41 weeks." If he hasn't decided to come by 39 weeks (aka next freaking week!!) we're going in to be induced due to his size. That is some news that makes this mama very happy!! AND very anxious AND a little nervous at the same time. There's always the chance that the ultrasound tech is wrong and he's smaller than she measured. However, if he goes to 39 weeks, another 10 days from our appointment, and is gaining an ounce a day, he'll be estimatedabout 9lbs 6oz. So we're still looking at a larger baby very likely 8 1/2 lbs or more. For this mama, who doesn't have a true "birth plan" but would really want to do things naturally, it throws a little bit of a curve. I wasn't dilated AT ALL during my appointment this week and he is still way up high, so it doesn't look like he or my body are ready to be done with pregnancy but how much longer to do you let him grow in there without giving mother nature a little push? Basically, we're at a stand still. I'm trying not to be too nervous about the uncertainty because there's still another week of waiting and several things I'd like to do before he arrives so I kind of need that time. I have my last appointment on Tuesday next week (all of a sudden Big C wants to come to that one, too) to have my cervix checked again and do the belly measurement. One of two things could happen: a) my body realizes that the baby is getting big and is ready to be out here with us and maybe I'll lose my mucus plug for real or start dilating at least or b) there will still be no change. Either way, I'm 99% sure we're just going in next week to try and start labor and hopefully stick to some kind of natural birthplan. So there may not be a 39 week post... maybe just a birth story post :)

What I am looking forward to: My mom and possibly sister and brother coming down to visit and to meet her grandson and nephew for the first time!

Weekly Wisdom: Even before the stars lit up the sky, your little boy had a special place in the heart of God. ~ Unknown

Milestones: OhBaby, WHOA baby, you're huge. At this point, you should be about 6.8lbs and measure about 19.75 inches long. However, you'd about 2+ lbs more than that according to the Drs. They've been telling us that you're "ahead" or "larger for your gestational age" for quite some time now, so I'm not exactly surprised. Just a little curious about the whole birthing process now and when you'll decide you want to come join us on the outside.

1 comment:

  1. you will be so great and it will all turn out just perfect. remember that. I can't wait to see pictures of Caleb, and you and Cliff and your family when they visit. I'm seriously over the moon. Also, once family has come and gone, THIS part of your family is going to plan a visit <3
