I've been keeping a running log in this blog post so I didn't forget anything to mention when we were finally "out." Ah! Still can't believe we are finally out!
How far along: 11 weeks. Happy birthday Grammy-to-be :)
Total weight gain/loss: +5 I'm going to go ahead and attribute a lot of that to water weight. The more you drink, the more you expel... Well, my stomach is having a hard time with plain water so, I know I've been drinking less than I should and normally do, along with a lot of other beverages I don't normally have... Juices, soda, etc. So yea, I've already gained 5 of my self allotted 30. Bleh.
Maternity clothes: not yet. I haven't even bought any. I did buy some tops that were larger but not for my tummy... My girls are out of control! Huge! I remember reading in the pregnancy books "you might want to buy another bra." Yeah. This. ASAP!
Stretch marks: Not yet, and no thank you. pleaseandthankyou.
Sleep: During weeks 5 and 6 sleep was awful. I would wake up in the middle of the night and not go back to sleep for hours. I was sooo drained. Hubby finally suggested maybe it was my newly raised body temp that was waking me up. So, we got a stand up fan from Target, turned down the air (to 68 whoa!) and I slept with a cool rag on my forehead for a few nights. I was so excited when I didn't wake up at all! Since then, it's been decent. I sleep through the night but the dreams are cray-cray!! I am a stomach sleeper, so I now this is going to get interesting.
Best moment this week: of the past 11 weeks? probably squealing to some of my friends and family. So many people are so very happy for us. We are truly blessed.
Movement: I'm pretty sure that's just gas lol. Although, since about 7 weeks I've been trying to feel my uterus and I'm pretty sure I found it around week 9. It's was just above my pubic bone and a sort of pointy shape. I keep feeling around to see if it'll move and I swear it has risen a little more! Hubby thinks I'm nuts but my mom was here this weekend and she felt it too! So maybe I will feel baby earlier. Who knows!
Food cravings: Milk. I've always liked milk, but now I seriously love it. Eggs. Scrambled, hard boiled, over easy. It doesn't matter. Yum. :) Ate a ton of broccoli and spinach until the morning sickness set in. Food was hard there for a few weeks, and I ate only the things that didn't sound absolutely repulsive at the time. There was a week that I had perogies and grilled veggies for dinner almost every night. Mmm... Perogies.
Food aversions: Definitely Hubby's baby. There will be no mushrooms in this house for a long time. Ugh. Just the sight of them. Yech!
Gender: TBD. I like to imagine that he/she is giggling every time I take a guess. I was feeling boy for a while, but now... don't tell my hubby this, I'm thinking girl. :)
Labor pains: Not yet. But I do have some RLP.
Belly Button in or out? In, definitely in. When do I have to take my belly ring out? Yikes.
What I miss: Feeling like myself. Although I'm not feeling terrible, I'm still feeling tired as all hell. It's similar to a hangover that just doesn't go away. I say that in the most loving and honest way. Headaches, cramps, round ligament pain, tiredness... It all comes and goes. And I'm not drinking, I swear.
What I am looking forward to: Are you a boy or girl!? Gimme a hint already, tatertot!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't put it off until tomorrow because then it all piles up. And now that I've got
pregnancy brain, I'll probably forget.
Milestones: Yesss! Checking off number 3! Woohoo!