
remember when

If you could live in any time period on the past, when would it be and why?

I would like to go back to yesterday and pretend I posted this one one time. Whoops.

There are no real time periods that sticks out for me that I'd like to go back to. I think we have it so easy now, why would I want to go back? Is that weird? What I mean is, even though they had a ton of fun ring hippies in the 70's there was still a lot of drugs and a war going on. Even though the 20's saw a lot of great advancement in film and music, there was still a ton of struggle for women and people of color. Even the 50's-60's might have been cool with the fashion and man on the moon! But again, there is war and honestly, I like working! And who really wants to have to wear a damn dress everyday. So, of all the conveniences and choices I have now, why would you want to go backwards?

There- I took such a simple question and made it so complicated. If I could choose any time period I'd like to go back to, I would choose the 1700s. In fashion, men look equally uncomfortable in their attire :P but I think We, the People were working towards something great at this point in history. We saw what a great country could look like and created colonies, grew and shared food, and created the ideals on which our country was founded. Sure, along the way, we've somehow distorted how we interpret this foundation, but I believe the right ideas were there. So, if I had to choose... there I'd be.

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